Trouble in the Mist

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*Waking up at 7:45 a.m late for school I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I fly down the stairs and run into mother hang up*

"What you still doing here?, Mrs.hang up asks

"I over slept I'm rushing out now", I tell her

"We'll you know you missed the bus like five minutes ago right?",she informs me

"Why thank you I was not aware of those events, can you drop me off?", I ask her

"NO! I'm late", she replies

"Well what you want me to do wait thirty more minutes for the MARTA bus?", I ask her

"You have a car do you not?", she says and my eyes widen


"Yes only to school and back Bianca! Don't let me catch you out joy riding", she says, grabs her jacket and off to work she went

"YEAH BUDDY! (Pauly D voice)", I say to myself. If I'm going to be late at least I'm a be Dougie

*I run back upstairs and kick off my forces to break out the new spizikes. I throw on my red beater and black true religion jeans with my hair down flowing silky...smooth...sleek...and sexy. I hit the mirror for a quick look and throw on my hat to be out!

(Arriving at school with the music subbin' so everybody look out the windows. I jump out walking slowly into the school and then run to my third class just at the ending and now its lunch time)

"Aye yo, I'm feeling yo look today man! Them the new Jay's?", Jamal ask me

"Yeah, they are!", I tell him

*I walk around the school looking for Andria and don't see her so I text her

Afternoon sweetheart are you at school?

No, I'm at home in bed with bad stomach cramps uhh

Aww, I'm sorry to hear that! Now I'm sick

from what?

Sick that I cant see you today!! Ouch it hurts :)

LOL, Your so silly. Go to class and text me later

OK, mwah

"Texting her again? You tell her about last night?", Nikki walks up on me and ask

"That's none of your business, Duck!", I say and walk off

*I got about what, twenty minutes til my next class? I run to my car and drive off to Publix to pick up a few roses, a teddy and some CHOCOLATES (Old lady from spongebob voice, lol) and head to Andria. What a surprise to me my mom is at home so I hit 90 flying down the block and park at somebody house and go the back way to Andria's house*

(at the back door. Knock...Knock)

"Who is it?", she painfully gets out

"Atlanta police ma'am! I received a call about a ruckus!", I say in the deepest voice I could make

"Huh?", she says and opens the door

"Hey!", I say. smiling I hand her the roses

"Aww, your so sweet", she grabs the roses and spots the candy. OOOO candy, she snatches the candy from my hands

"Well Damn!!", I say counting my fingers making sure their all accounted for

"I'm sorry come in", She laughs

"I only have a little window but, didn't want you in pain so I had to stop by and check up on you. My mom is home too so I don't want her to leave and see my car down the street", I tell her

"Oh, she let you drive??", she says shocked

"That's what I said but, yeah she let me get it today because I woke up late

"You you looking all good today?", she asks

"(I laugh) I was doing it for you but, didn't know you wasn't coming so oh well", I tell her

"Oh", she replies

*I pick her up and carry her to her room to lay her down. Minutes turn to hours and hours into more hours as we slept. I wake up to see that its 1:28p.m so I get up quietly and kiss Andria on the forehead and run back downstairs and around the block, down the street to my car and get in. I drive back to school to make it in time for Mr. X class*

(Walks in out of breath)

"Hey, who the hell are you?, Mr. X says to me

"I'm Bambi, the new kid from the last class. I had to stand and say my name and blah blah", I try to trigger his memory

"Oh, OK well have a seat so I can do what it is I does", Mr. X says

"You the boss", I say and take my seat next to Nikki

"She would not shut up about you", Amy says

"I don't know why because there's nothing to tell", I say to Amy

"Yeah, because she only like those cheerleader type girls Amy", Nikki says to Amy

"Whatev Bro, Andria isn't a cheerleader type of girl so stop hating", I say to Nikki

"Wait...Andria with long hair? Has a cousin name Sky?", Amy asks

"Yeah, you know her?", I ask Amy looking puzzled

"DO I! she's my X! that's who your talking to?", she asks me

"Yeah", Aww man!

"Mmm", Nikki says and we all turn around to listen to Mr. X drunk ass

*OK, umm somebody fill me in on what happened last class? A dude with a fohawk tells him the assignment and he shows Mr.X in the book. OK, thank you umm...Hawk man, Mr. X says! Alright! shut up you little ingrates, today I want everyone to write a letter. It don't matter if you don't know how to properly format it just write one and next class we will review them as a class and I'll show you guys some shit! Does it smell like weed in here to any of y'all? Maybe its me OK! Who has the goods on the goose? Anybody? No? of course! Your kids and drinking AND smoking is bad for your little bad asses so NO! Now, I uhhh need to take a trip to the corner store, Y'all want anything? No! because your kids and what I need...You don't need! I'm an adult and your little adults, grab the bull get the horns (he motions) so do what I said do how I said do it cause I'm the miz-an (man) and I'll be back. Any topic also, he grabs his hat and coat and weeble wobble his ass out!*

"(Thinking to myself) What is with this guy man?"

*Everyone turns around and begin to type their letters meanwhile my mind is wondering badly about Amy and Dria. I look down at Amy and notice she was texting*


Hey? who is this

It's me Amy, Dria!

Hi, what's up?

Your new boo, Bambi

what about her

I talked to Nikki and...I got something to tell you!


*Awwwww snap what it is that Amy got to tell Andria?? Will this mess Bambi and Andria up before they even get started? Oh boy! Watch out Chapt. 12 in the works! thx for reading mwah*

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