School Shooting!

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*Waking up on a bright and sunny Monday morning. I see that the time is 8:00 a.m and yes I missed my bus. I get up not even caring and take my shower with the thoughts of Andria lingering around in my mind and what went down last night. Something in my being wouldn't let me get ready without seeing if she's I text her*

Hey you up?

Yes! I'm in class where you should be! I didn't see you at the bus stop this morning. Where where you?

In the bed just now turning over!

Are you coming to school today? You ok?

Yeah, I'm fine and yes I'm getting ready now just wanted to make sure you were ok from lastnight

Yes I'm fine! Kinda smiling because of it! Got me feeling like a new woman :) that so?

Yeah lol

Aite! Well long as you ok, I'm fine! I'll see you in a bit!



I run downstairs and grab a pop tart and head out to my car to go to school. Arriving at school I see that everyone is outside standing in the parking lot so you know ME, I gotta see whats going zones*

"Yo, Bambi you heard what happened?," Jamal runs up asking me

"Naw foo I just got here. Why everybody out here?," I ask him looking puzzled

"Somebody in the school got a gun! They told us in the lunchroom to come out here but its still mad people in there," he explains to me and right after I hear gun shots and everybody took cover

*First thing comes to my mind is Andria so I check to see if she good*

Bay are you ok? Where are you?

I'm in class were locked down! What's going on? Where are you? I heard gun shots baby, I'm scared

I'm outside baby and it's somebody in there going postal! Jamal told me and they had to come to the parking lot. Don't be scared just get somewhere safe, Please!


I'll text you when I find out more

Ok...Be careful babe

You more that me! Hit you back <3

*I put up my phone and run back over to Jamal (who's hiding behind my truck eating a damn turkey sandwich and shit)*

"Aye yo, You heard anything man?," I ask his hungry ass

"Yeah, my homeboy said it's Mr. X up in there going Army Commando Rambo," he says with this goofy ass look on his face as he's talking with his hands

"Mr. X? What the hell? Yo, I'm about to go in there and talk to this fool!", I say and run off to get ready to play one man S.W.A.T Team

*Soon as I get my plan together in my head here come the police! I inform them of who the damn fool is and they get on the bull horn to try and get him to come out. He comes to the window and lets off rounds at all of us*

"GET DOWN!", Officer Smith says to all of us

(Incoming text)

Baby :c !!!


I hear the shots getting closer to us! I'm so scared! What do I do?

Baby, it's Mr. X who's in there shooting, why? I don't know? but, just find somewhere to hide yourself. I'm coming in fuck it!


Yes! I'm coming in!

No! It's too dangerous baby!

Damn all that! I gotta protect you man...See you in a minute

I love you

I love you too!

*I crawl back over to officer Smith and tell him that I can get through to Mr. X so he should let me go in and get the scoop of what the hell is really going on. They talk it over about how dangerous the shit is and blaaah blaaaah so I get fed up and snatch his walkie talkie and run into the building. Getting inside I hear voices of Mr. X coming from upstairs so I gotta put my MacGyver face on and spring into action. I'm flipping corners, ducking and sneaking my way up to the end of the west hallway. I text Andria to let her know im inside and ask where Mr. X is then I hear gun shots and someone screams!*



Shit, I say to myself and turn my phone on vibrate*

Yes?," I text back to her

HE SHOT AMY!! She was next door and he shot her. The bullet came through our room and I can see them!

DAMN! Ok, I'm coming

*I inform the police of my location and what I'm about to do to try and get this fool to calm down when...*

"Who's there?," The voice of psychopathic ass Mr. X echoes in the balance

*I try and keep quiet when the damn walkie goes off with the voice of Officer Smith saying "Rodger That!", in which I have no choice but to...step I do!*

"Tis I and what the hell is going on?," I ask him and this nigga shoots at me, at ME!

*I jump my ass back and run back downstairs to run up through another hallway to get to Andria class*

Babe this guy shot at me! Mutha fucker! Which room are you in? I have to come another way!

Were in room 220 and hurry Amy is bleeding badly babe


*I inform the police of Amy's situation and they try and talk to Mr. X about letting EMS come and take her out and like a jackass he denies! I tell the cops to talk to him so I can figure out where the hell he is and try and get a location on him. They go it and I manage to find his voice and get his location. I can see him a little pass Andria's class so I take a deep breath and do my "The Mask", tip toe over to her door as quiet as I can and she see's me! I motion for her to be quiet and open the door. She gets up but, is having no luck opening the door. I look over to Mr. X who is still yelling at the police and I point to her class mate bobbie pin and tell her to slide it to me under the door (Now, I'm no criminal but, I watch alot of T.V). I undo the pin and quickly play with the lock and by the grace of god and me not knowing what the hell I was doing (Again, I did what I seen on T.V) the door opens and I sneak in and close it! I hug her tightly and look over to see Amy laying there not moving then I check back with the cops and tell them what's going on so far!*

"We have to get the hell up out of here!", I tell everyone but my main concern is Andria

"So do you have a plan?", A girl ask me

"Yes I do actually!", I tell her

*A thought instantly hits me. The room we are in is a blind spot to Mr. X and he can't see any windows in the back of the room unless he's in here so, I tell the police to find a big ass ladder that everyone can climb on from out the room. Officer Smith says "Ok, that can work", and he sends a few officers off like they were leaving to go back to the precinct but, really they were setting up a distraction to go on the side of the building to help get us out. They call in a fire truck but tell them to come with no sirens and come to the back of the school and bust that right. Five minutes pass and Mr. X is pissed off to the highest level of pisstivity so he walks off shooting and all you can hear are screams. By this time its down to three of us to go down the ladder. A girl goes before me and then I get on to go down and Mr. X looks in to see no one in the room and kicks the door in. Andria looks back to see his coo coo bird ass and she turns around to hurry and climb down when...*


*I look up to see Andria hunched over and blood running down her face then she falls to the ground*


Chapter 18 in progress..... I don't really have any commentary! Thx for reading!!! Preciate cha! :v

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