Andria or Laylani?

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(arriving home)

"MOM", I yell through the house

"What child don't you see me on the phone!", she says back

"You could have told me y'all was leaving you know", I say as I'm walking upstairs to my room

"Yeah, I thought I did! Oh well your here now so hush I'm talking to Candice", she says and makes that loud dumb ass noise and I hear loud ass Mrs. Candice making it too!

*Get to my room and drop all my junk and jump on my bed. Laying there I think of Laylani one more time then grab my night clothes and go shower to get ready for bed. I'm Pooped lol*

(10:00 in the damn ass crack of morning.....incoming text)

Good morning!

Who the HELL is this texting me this early?

It's Andria! I miss you why won't you talk to me?

Um, because you said not to! Maybe... Maybe it was just me who heard that

Look...I'm sorry about that. What can I do to make it up to you?

Let me go back to sleep!

OK, well how about we hang today? I'm thinking go to the mall and shop maybe grab a bite? How that sound?

Yeah, Great see you at 3!

Why 3?

Cause that's when the hell I'm getting up!

lol OK baby...see you then, mwah


(I lay there trying my hardest to go back to sleep and pick up where I left off in my dream but, it's impossible! Now, I'm up! Uhhh thank you ANDRIA! I look at my clock to see that it's only 10:14 so I decide to work out a little bit and then shower (what? I gotta stay in shape not everybody can have a body like the god from sponge bob square pants...just me and a few others! ha ha). I take my 25 minute shower and jump out dancing in my towel. I walk to my closet to pick out what I want to wear today and the only thing i want to wear is shorts, a beater and my jays but, I pick out true religion skinny jeans with my tee and my jays, it's the only way to go)

(incoming text)



sorry but, I feel I need to talk to you!

mission accomplished

I really can't say how sorry I am about the whole Amy Nikki thing

It doesn't even matter forget about it

well I am glad you accepted my invite I thought you were going to turn me down

Naw, I'm not even that type of person

We'll I can't wait to see you

Yeah, let me finish getting dressed and I'll be over


*Toss my phone on the bed and starts dancing on my bed not even noticing my mom is standing in my doorway watching me*

"Girl what the hell are you doing,"? she asks me

(i flop down on the bed) "huh? nothing!", I reply back

"Mmmm Hmmm," she says and turns to leave

*I fix me sum food and watch a Lil sponge bob... SHIT! They got Patrick! By this time its rolling on 2:15 (time flies when your having fun so I run upstairs (well more like wobble because these skinny jeans are no joke) to grab my keys, my money and flat iron my hair a little (don't judge don't know my life) and I head out the door. Walking next door I ring the door bell and exhale a deep breath*

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