The shock of my Teenage life! :0

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*The time is now 6:30p.m and we come out of the tenth clothing store! We walk over to the food court to finally grab something to eat and...*

"Oh Shit! I'm sorry sir," I say to this man that I ran into

"Its OK", He says and then looks at me

"Hey, Mr. X?," I question! Reason I question is because he actually look like a human being today in his Armani three piece suit and shoes, hair slicked back and Cartier glasses.

"Why yes, tis I Bianca!," He says and I become afraid

"Um...Why don't you look and act this way at school Mr. X?," I ask

"Because truth be told I am actually a stock broker and that silly

ass job doesn't meat dick to me! I just do it because your principal is my family...the side I don't like so I been trying to get fired my dear," He explains

"Wow! I never would have thought! Well you look nice Bro, and sorry for running into you," I say to him

"Oh, don't worry about it but if you do that shit again I'm going to seriously injure you!," he says jokingly and daps me up then walks off

*I walk off still in shock and sit down to figure out what it is I want to eat when I spot Laylani and some other girl. My first thought was that was her sister but, then I thought close friend so I continued to ponder on what I wanted to eat.*

"Hey! I'm going to get Chick-fil-a," Andria shares with me

"OK! I think I'm just going to get lemon pepper wings or something I don't know?," I say back to her and I walk off

*Standing in line at Wings and Philly I stare at the menu to see if I want just wings or a combo (YOU KNOW!!) and out the corner of my cornea I see Laylani and the chick kiss and I just choke! (Yup, choked right on the air...sure did! What? You didn't know that could happen? Yes, it exist and they are HERE!) I try and calm myself down when she notice me and walks over*

"Hey are you alright?," she asks me while holding me up

"Yeah! I just...something was caught in my throat is all," I lie as I try and get the words out. I could feel my eyes pulsating and tearing up

"Maybe you should sit down," she grabs me and her friend pulls out my chair

*I sit in the chair and catch my breath. They both look at me like I have got damn cabin fever and I have to break the tension so they know im alright*

"So, who's this your sister?," I asked hoping she would say yes (minus the incest thought)

" actually this is my boyfriend Nae remember I mentioned her at the park?," she tried to verify

"Yeah but, I thought she was a guy I didn't know your boyfriend was a girlfriend!," I said as my heart became kinda happy but then sad because she's taken

"Oh, I'm sorry but, yea she's my girlfriend...I'm a lesbian! Didn't you notice my bracelet on my ankle that day?," she ask

"Not at all (I was too focused on other things!) but, that's cool! I mean I too am before I could get it out my mouth here comes...

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU ALRIGHT?," Andria yells and runs to feel all over me

"Yes I'm fine Dria," I say to her

"She just choked on something so we sat her down," Laylani tells Andria

"Aww we'll thank you guys for helping her. I'm Andria by the way," she extends her hand out to them

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