School Shooting Cont.

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*Live...Late Breaking...This is Channel 2 Action news at noon. Hi and Good Afternoon my name is Jovita Moore we have a live report coming from Belview High. There has been a school shooting in which one teen is left dead and another in critical condition. Live on the scene is John, John!

...Yes Jovita. I have gotten word that the teen found slain is that of Amy Thompson. The sophomore was said to have been shot by a teacher for which they do not know the reasons as of yet. I have not got word about the other student who was shot but, the teacher is still inside the building. I will update you when I get more information on this ongoing fiasco. This has been John Festerbooth reporting live Channel 2 Action news!

...Alright thank you John...I turn my T.V off and sit there crying. I look down at my clothes covered in blood, my hands red from blood that was once wet and now went dry and I am still in shock. She was right there in my arms, how could she just slip away like that? Why would he shoot her? I just lay there in darkness and silence and cry. I go up to my room and take my shower before I go back up to the hospital and check on Andria*

(Ok, Now you're prob. wondering how it got to where it is now, Right? Let me back it up about 4 hours ago and start from there...and GO!)

*I look up to see Andria hunched over with blood running down her face and she falls to the ground*

"ANDRIA!!!," I scream and feel tears form in my eyes

*I place both my hands along side the ladder and slide my way down to the ground. I run over to her and hold her. I try talking to her to wake her up, I try pressing her wounds so the bleeding will stop, I tried kissing her to make her smile but, nothing worked...nothing worked. So, I just sat there rocking her back and forth telling her its going to be ok if she can hear me, letting her know im here just open your eyes man Please! Police finally bust into the school and ambush Mr. X in a stand off in which he just decided to give up and took his own life! No one will ever know the reason behind him doing what he did but the rest of the day was cancelled and they send everyone home!*

"Ma'am, I need to take her to the hospital," A lady from the EMS says to me

"NO! I can't let her go! I promised!",I tell her as tears are rolling down my cheek onto Andria's face

"You're not helping much leaving her here she needs medical care. You can ride with her if you like we just need to get her somewhere safe and tend to her wounds," the lady explains

"...And your not gonna hurt her?," I ask

"No, now we don't have much time she lost alot of blood we have to go, NOW!," she demands

"Ok," I loosen my grip and let her take Andria

"Be careful with her head," I say

*She and another EMS associate lay her on the stretcher and pick it up to lift her into the truck. I run in and sit along the side of the truck as they put I.V's in her arm and cut her shirt off to stop the bleeding and the whole time I just want her to breathe, I want her to look at me but, she just lays there lifeless so I cry. We arrive at Grady Hospital and they rush her into the hospital. I run after but a lady puts her hands on my chest holding me back telling me I can't go in there. Everything around me isn't making any sense, why is life in slow motion? I manage to sit down and wait*

(Time now is 11a.m)

*I hear Andria's name being called over the speaker system and I jump up to find which room she's in. I run to the elevator and go into her room. Immediately I stop and put my hand over my mouth just staring at her and hating myself for not being able to do something to prevent it. She has blood bags, I.V's, breathing systems just everything hooked up to her and yet still no smiles, still no sounds, still no life! I step back out to ask the nurse whats the deal and she tells me her spine was almost hit but the bullet missed it by a centimeter however the other bullet did puncture her lung and she has some internal bleeding and when she told me that I just left. I got on a bus and went home.*

(Time is now noon bringing us to where we started)

*I get out the shower and catch the bus to my school so I can get my car and drive to the hospital. Arriving at school I see the pool of blood mark where Andria once was and I hold my throat. I stand there for a minute to take it all in like it actually happened and I still can't believe it! I turn and get in my car and look at the passenger side and shake my head. I drive off and stop by Kroger and pick up a card and flowers (a mixture of pink and white Orchids, her fav.) and a couple balloons. I get to the hospital, get my visitor pass and go up to her room. I hesitate to go in so I say a prayer then I go in. Shockingly I see that her eyes are open and a big smile warms across my face. I place her balloons and Orchids on the side of her and I see her face try and make a smile*

"I'm so happy your woke! I was very worried about you and I still am!," I say and stroke her hair out of her face

*She tried to talk but mumbles little noises*

"Shh... you don't have to say anything baby, just lay and get your rest," I tell her

*Again, she mumbles*

"Just lay down. I'll be back later to check up on you!," I tell her and kiss her forehead then turn to walk away when...

"Baby!," She mumbles out and I quickly turn around and run to her in all smiles

"Yes?," I say in my high pitched voice

"Tank You, I lub You," She says and I smile because it was too cute

"Aww I lub You Too!," I tell her and let her rest


*Chapter 19 coming soon! Wonder how the school is going to be now that this crazy ish went down? Who knows? I do! Thx for reading

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