This can't be happening!!

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"Welcome to my room! You like? Andria asks me as if I'm suppose to respond like a chick

"It's... Aright I guess", I reply

"Just aright? she giggles

"Yeah, I mean far from my taste but, it fits you", I tell her

* Before I knew it she had took my hand and led me to her bed where she threw me down. (Now, mind you I'm already hella turned on from her running her fingers through my hair earlier and now she's just being a tease). She crawled her way up on top of me and I closed my eyes just to see if maybe I was imaging this but, when I opened my eyes she was still there.*

"Yo ma, what are you doing?" I stupidly ask

"Shh... just be quiet and relax boo", she says to me

* Andria started to unbuckle my belt and slowly take it off. I thought of stopping her because we barely know each other but, that thought went out the damn window when my hands discovered her soft plumped ass covering my mid section.*

"Oh my gosh! Is this seriously about to happen? I ask myself

"Take your pants off baby," she demanded

*I take my pants off and she gets back on top of me and takes her shirt off as if it's a spider was crawling on her then she leaned into my face for a kiss. (On accident, I put my hand up and her face ran into my hand, yup! sure did)* (HA... HA...I'm sorry that is so funny to me! Ok continuing on...)

"What's wrong? Don't you like me? she asks

"Yeah I like you I mean you have no idea how much I do but, I don't think..."

*Before I could finish she covered my mouth*

"Shh... Don't think just do!" Andria says

*She then took my hand and shoved it down into her pants to show me just how much she wanted me and that invite just sent me into a hormonal coma! I instantly became a sex demon and quickly turned her over so that she's on bottom and I'm on top. I snatched her pants off and damn near ripped off her thong. I spread her legs then licked my index finger and ran it down then back up her clit*

"Ooo man! I sure hope you ready!" I told her in knowance that she is really not ready for what I have to put down.

"Yes, I'm ready! she said confidently

"Ok then!" I said. Let the games... Begin!

*I unsnap her bra and take it off. Sucking on her breast I hear soft moans part from her lips and I can tell she's enjoying it. I begin to suck a little harder and her moans began to grow then she strums her fingers through my hair again and at this point damit I just can't take it! I slide down between her legs to see nothing but, (you guessed it) pussy cat (lol), with my tongue I start from the bottom and lick up to the top*

"Oooooh...Ahhh!" she moans.

*By the moan I knew she wanted it so I positioned myself to get ready and feast till...*

WAIT!" she uttered out.

"(I closed her legs and put my tongue back in my mouth) Yes?" I ask. What's wrong?

"Do you have an um......uh...." Andria nervously tries to ask me.

"A... um.... what? I puzzledly ask.

"You know! The male part but, its fake, you know? she tries to explain to me.

*The whole time I know exactly what it is she wants to ask me but, I just find it so cute for her to try and ask me... hee hee*

"(laughing) you want to ask me if I have a strap sweetie? I finally break tension and say.

"Yeah! That... well... do you? She holds her head down to the floor, looks up at me with her puppy dog eyes and asks.

"Yes! I do mama... would you like me to use it on you? Is that what you want?

"If you want I mean I don't have a problem with it!" she smiles beautifully at me and says. Just to let you know, by you using that on me, it tends to make me really freaky and I moan really loud and..."

"SAY NO MORE! I just have to go home and put it on. Had I known this was going to be happening I would have came already strapped! Not Strapped strapped like BANG BANG but, strapped! You know what I mean?" I ask.

*She shakes her head and laughes.*

"No, I don't but, Ok", she says.

*I jump up and put my pants back on and buckle my belt to get ready to run home and grab my partner in crime*

"Ay, I'll be right back! Don't you go nowhere, just lay there n keep it wet for me alright?" I tell Andria

"Yeah, I can do that", she giggles

*I run down stairs and out the door. Not even thinking about my mom's package I jump over it and try to get the door unlocked. Heart racing and out of breath I finally get the front door open sort of easily and once I step in..."

"MOM!" my eyes widen and I fall short of breath!

"Yes! Tis I... MOM!" She replies with the look of death!

"uhh... FUCK ME!" I secretly say to myself. Andriaaaa NO!


*Stay tooned for chapter 6! Will Bamz get her ass torn up? lol OR will she be able to talk herself out of this situation and get back to the loving? What will Andria say? What is going to happen between the two? Where did the cow go? lol I know :)*

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