Phase 3 & 4

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*Time now is 3:20pm and I get up and start to wrap our things up to take them back to the car. I help her up and we walk to the car and I toss everything in the trunk then help her in. I wait on traffic to die down then I get in and we take off for the start of phase three*

"That was so sweet baby," she says to me while she's looking at her ring

"Why thank you, You deserve everything coming your way today so just enjoy it because today is your day bae, I say and kiss her on the cheek and she blushes

"So...what did you say was next?," she try and get in my head

"Um well I was thinking we gone off to hell and then grab some ice cream afterwards," I tell her

"Ha Ha very funny babe," she says looking at me

"What? There really is a hell on earth. Hell, Michigan! What they teach you in school? You need to get your money back man," I say and she shoves me and laughs

Ok, sorry but I gotta blindfold you again, I tell her as I'm getting closer to the meeting spot

"Uhh again?," she ask

"Yes, again!," I tell her

*I pull up to park the car real quick then I take my scarf out. I give her a quick kiss and put the scarf over her eyes then I drive on to the place and park. I hop out and run over to pay the man before I get her out so she won't be nosey trying to listen to stuff. I run back to get her out the car and walk her over to the surprise*

Ok your going to have to step up for this baby, I tell her guiding her leg on the step

ok, don't let me fall babe, her scary ass tell me lol

"I got you mama," I tell her and sit her down

"Where are we?," she's feeling around trying to figure where she is

Ok we're ready, I tell the guy and he begin to take off and she hear the noise of the horse

*I take her blind fold off and let her see where she is*

Awwwwww baby this is so pretty, I can't believe you did this!, she say getting teary eyed

*I rented us a horse and carriage but, not the regular carriage I got her the Cinderella type, ball carriage hell its hot as the devil's playground out here we need some type of shade. I glance over at her and she's just looking all around like a little excited kid and I just feel the love, happy I could make her day a little*

"I love this!," she say and jumps on me smothering me in kisses

"HEY! Can't be doing that in front of the community baby," I tell her and laugh

"I just... feel like a Princess," she says and kisses me

"You should baby, you are my Princess and I love you, I tell her

I love you morey, she giggles and waves at the people

*We lay back and chill and enjoy the five hour horsey ride to Chow Baby restaurant and I (being the man I am, lol) step out first to take her hand and help her out. She slips, I laugh (out of love of course...what? It would be rude if I didn't laugh because then it shows I'm not paying attention to her and...never mind, lol) and catch her and we look at each other and I can just feel the sexual electricity flowing from her to me and I have to tame myself for the community lol almost forgot she not feeling well yet. I open the door and allow her to enter*

"I never been here before baby," she looks at me and say

Really? It's a good place I love the food here. Basically you just make your own food. Everything is raw and you choose your rice, noodles, veggies, sauces, meat and whatever and they cook it for you

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