Never Ending

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"I mean your here right", I say to Nikki

*She comes in my room and looks all around*

"Nice little room you have here! Who would have thought I would be in your room let alone here, seeing as how I some how missed the bus", she says and stares at me

"Yup, well things happen and don't look to hard because I'm a be kicking your ass out in a minute", I explain to her

*Meanwhile Andria is blowing my phone up and I'm too busy watching this heffa that I can't answer. (Don't want her stealing none of my things, hell I don't know her)*

"So whats up?" Nikki asks me

"Nothing, what you mean? Just sit there and shut up! If you be a good little monster, I may have some scooby snacks for you!", I say to her. I'm trying to be as mean as I can so she wouldn't want anything to do with me and leave me alone!

"I like that your playing hard to get, It's so cute to me",she smiles and says

"Yeah, playing!", I slowly repeat

"NICHOLE...BIANCA...WASH UP SO YOU CAN EAT", my mom yells up to us while she down there talking about the good ol' days in college and what not

"OK, so there's bound to be a main water pipe in the back yard so use your nails and dig til you hit something, I'm going in my bathroom", I say to her and get up to wash my hands

*She smiles then gets up and locks my door. She then comes in the bathroom and...*

"Bro, what the hell are you doing? I said there's a..."

*She cut me off with a kiss and for some odd reason I felt a tingle sensation shoot all over my body. What was this feeling that I was experiencing and why was it happening to me? Not this, not now, and not with Nikki the banana cream pie chick? but she did have ass like a mutha...I mean Debbie had CAKES she had to be from Decatur or somewhere but, no I can't do this to Andria so I snap out of it and push her off*

"Yo, that can never happen again!", I frowned and said to let her know I meant business

"Yeah, never again", she bites her lip and smiles then walks off

*Meanwhile, I put my headphones on and stumble my way downstairs to join them for dinner. As I eat I bob my head and look around the table at everybody lips and try to see what the topic was but, I couldn't make out the words so when everyone laughed I joined in and they looked at me like I was a damn fool. Under the table was a whole different story, somehow the plate setting gods sat me next to banana cream pie's ass and she was trying to put her hands where they wasn't invited so I army ate my food and ran back upstairs to my domains*

(I lay on the bed)...

"Man what the hell going on?? and immediately I thought of Andria. I reached into my bag and seen I had twenty missed alerts!

"Damn man, it's not all important like that! It's just banana, I mean, Nikki so I text her back..

"Dria!", I text

"Where you been? I was texting you! :( ", she replied

"I'm so sorry but, she came into my room and..." I thought of telling her about the kiss but why make her brain wonder

"What she doing in your room? What she do?", she replied

"Nothing, she just came in here and I laid down the law haha and now she down there eating", I informed her

"Oh, well I'm going to bed I'm tired so I'll talk to you tomorrow OK?", she said

"...But, never mind! OK I'll talk to you later I'm a go shower. Nyte", I replied

"Goodnight!", she texted back

*So... I take my shower as they leave to go home and I put my phone on charger and fall off to sleep*


*Aiiiiite I know what your thinking "Don't start effin up", lol well you just have to wait and see what happens next. Maybe Bamz is starting to feel Banana...I MEAN Nikki, just a little more than she thought! Who knows? I DO :) chapt 11 under way...

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