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*After walking around the park with these paper plates I finally find my mom and Mrs. Candice and Bana... I mean, Nikki sitting on the lawn bar-b-q'n and just having a good ol' time*

"Finally you made it", My mom says

"Yeah, had I known where you were going to be I could have been here sooner! here's your plates I'm gone!", I say so I wont have to see Nikki

"No your not! Come here and sit down! We are going to have fun if it kills you dammit", mother hang up says getting angry

"Whatev Bro!", I say under my breath

*I eat me a couple burgers and watch the ladies walk by. Some had cute little puppies, some had nice asses and others were running and in my mind I had life on slow motion so I could get the gist of the running session*

"Oh yeaah", I say smiling to myself

"Sorry about earlier", Nikki comes up and says messing up my bikini blast blowout vision I was creating

"Uhh...yeah whatev!", I say and get up to walk off

"Can I come with you?", She asks

"No, be best if you stay here, You've done enough for the year so take a nap or something", I tell her and walk off

*I try and find another spot so I can go back to the workout but, couldn't. Somehow I managed to get to the upper level where there was benches and tables all around with hella rocks so I decide to go and lay on the table to look up at the sky and think*

"(20minutes pass) excuse me?", A voice says to me but, I ignore it

"Hey (she hits my leg) do you mind if I sit here? The other tables are full and I'm really hungry", she explains

"I don't care", I say not even looking up to see who she is hell for all I know she could be a killer

*I sit there with all these thoughts running threw my mind and I jump up just to see who she is! As I'm getting up I see a petite light skinned girl with a Rhianna hair cut going on, hazel eyes, the fullest lips I have ever seen and a look to stop death in his tracks!*

"Oh, WOW!", my dumb ass say out loud like she not even there

"Hi (she extends her hand) my name is Laylani", she says with half a sandwich in the other hand

"(eyeing the sandwich) Hi I'm um...uh...Bambi? yeah, that's it!", I say

"Nice to meet you", she says and giggles

*I jump off the table and hit my ankle on the side but, I play that shit off like a G haha*

"Have some?", she says and holds out her sandwich

(Now, normally in a situation like this I wouldn't have thought twice to take the food but, I don't want to do that to her because I don't know her and I cant just eat everybody food no matter how fine they may be)

"Oh, I'm fine but, thank you! You should eat and enjoy after all you are hungry from what I heard", I say to her

"Yes, I am very hungry and I appreciate you lending me your table sorry for breaking your rest", she says

"It's fine I don't mind. Can I ask a question?", I say to her

"Sure shoot", she says looking at me

"Your name sounds like nothing I have heard of its different. Are you mixed?", I ask her staring into her gorgeous eyes

"Why yes I am mixed! Hawaiian, black and a little Asian", she says

"Wow! and you turned out amazing!", I said

"What was that?", she smiles and asks

"Oh nothing just, a thought", I mumble

"OK! we'll again thanks for letting me borrow your space. I have to get going can't keep my group or the boyfriend waiting you know how that goes!", she says getting up to leave

"Yeah", Nice to meet you Laylani I say crushed because she has a boyfriend why???

"Same here", she says and walks off

*I sit there staring at her as she walks off and wonder what if? I manage to wake my legs and get up to go to my mom and her loud as soror sister only to find that they were gone and I was just out there for no reason at all so I go to my car to drive back home! The whole while driving home I think of this Laylani girl and seeing her face and just wondering how it would be to have a girl like her...ahmmm*


*Sooo now what is the deal with Bambi? Is she over Andria so quickly? She has a new interest in Laylani but has a problem, her boyfriend na na na na boo boo stick your head in do do lol Chapt 14 coming up!!

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