Curiousity kills the cat

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*Picking the phone off the floor and trying to stop my hand from shaking was the hardest thing to do at the same time...*

"Ann...Ann...Andria??", I respond, sounding like a total dummy

"Yes! Ann...Andria your mother gave my mom your number to give to me", she said and it sound like words spoken from an angle. I felt so nervous and shocked that I did the only thing that I could do at the present time...I hung up on her...yep I did it! Hung the phone up right on her yep I did it. (What? My mom does it to me all the time so it's cool! No? Oh well too late)

*OMG! What am I doing? Why did I just do that? I said to myself. Trying to retrieve her number to call her back my phone began to ring*

"Oooo what cha say? What...what...what...what...what did cha say?"

"Hello?" I answered

Hey what happened? She replied

Bad connection or something you know how phones are, I lied

Oh yeah I know, so... hey I was wondering if I could maybe come by and you can help me with this work because I'm having a hard time trying to figure it out! She recommended

Um... yeah sure you can swing by baby. I said

What was that? She questioned

Uhh...nothing I was just saying you can come by now if you like, I hurried and said

Well OK I'm on my way, she replied

Ok...bye. I quickly hung up the phone and flew through the house to make sure that everything was in place and that it was spotless, hell my boo coming over. I ran through that house like there was fire on my ass cleaning and throwing things away, picking up clothes and throwing them in the closet, clearing my bed of all the mess and then...


SHE'S HERE! I yelled knowing she probably heard me and why am I yelling to myself I don't even know?

I run down the stairs like lightning and once I make it to the door I look out the peep hole (as if I don't already know who it is...duh) and all I see is her beautiful long brunette hair draping over her big hazel eyes.

Omg this chick is so sexy! I said almost at the point of drooling.

Ding... Dong...

Oh Shit! I forgot I was supposed to be getting the door lol I'm so dumb at times, I tell myself as I'm opening the door.

Hi... how are you? I barely manage to get out because I found myself lost in her eyes

I'm good and would be even better once you help me, she replied

(I can help you alright) why don't you come in (and get right in my bed baby please!) I replied

Thanks! She replied as she walked into my home. I closed the door and turned to go to my room and all I seen were her hips swaying side to side and her perfectly round ass swaying side to side I almost tripped up the stairs because I was following so closely.

Yeah... so this is my room. You can take your shoes off (and your clothes) if you like, I invited

OK...She replied and she removed her shoes and jumped in my bed.

(That's what I'm talking about) so... what you need help with again? I asked

Just this physical science work I don't understand it too well, she told me.

OK... I can handle that. Let me see your work, I asked

She handed me her book along with the assignment and positioned herself on my bed so she was facing me. She started to play in her hair and I tried to keep my head down but, my eyes were roaming back on to her and I kept eyeing her and that body. Viewing her hair to her juicy lips to her caressing neck line down to her soft looking breast and further to her...OK back to work.

So... um this problem here. It says that you have to use conversion; do you know how to convert? I asked?

No, she replied can you teach me?

Hell yeah! I mean yes so... look here you have to change the grams to kilograms, I explained

I can't see, she replied. She moved in closer to me so she could see the book and my heart started racing a thousand milliseconds per minute. My hand started shaking uncontrollably as I tried to explain to her the homework I also had other things in mind.

Can I ask you something? She asked

Yeah, I replied

Have you ever... been with a girl before? She asked

Um... how does this tie in with the homework young lady? I try and play it off

I just..

And before she finished she kissed me. (YES, THANK YOU GOD!)

What was that for? I asked not even caring

I'm sorry... I have to go! She replied

No... it's quite alright (hell, do it again) I replied not sounding worried at all

It's just that... I think I like you but, I don't want to ruin anything. I barely know you and I just kissed you, she said sounding so ashamed.

She gathered her things and I walked her to the door. She turned to me before she left and gave me a hug and I closed the door. I ran up to my room and dropped on my bed omg what is going on. Five minutes later I got a text from Andria saying "Can you come over tonight?"


**Chapter 4 coming soon! What do you think will happen next?**

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