Triwizard Tournament??

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(Y/n)'s POV : 

Harry and I enjoyed our time with the Weasley's, we had even been invited to attend the Quidditch World Cup with them and we had been informed that Hermione would be going as well. We accepted this and began to prepare to go, we packed only what we would need for the night, like clothes, sweaters, scarves, toothbrushes, and other things. Once we were all ready, we left and began to hike up a mountain that Mr. Weasley had taken us to. About halfway up the mountain, we ran into Cedric and his father which kind of surprised me. While walking up, Cedric slowed his pace and walked next to me and Hermione. 

"Hey (y/n)," I heard him say. "How've you been doing?"

I turned to him, "I've been good, staying with the Weasley's never really leaves time for boredom," I said honestly, "How've you been?"

His face seemed to change when I said I was staying with the Weasley's, "Oh, um I've been okay," he said. "You're staying with Ron?"

I looked at him, "Yeah, Harry and I didn't really want to go back to his aunt and uncle this year. Why?"

He shook his head, "It's nothing. What have you guys been doing?"

I smiled and looked forward, "We've just been hanging around, playing Quidditch, or in my case learning and failing." I laughed. 

He smiled at me, "That sounds like fun. Are you excited about the World Cup?"

I smiled widely, "Yep, this is my first time seeing it professionally played and I really can't wait."

I heard him laugh, "That's great," he said. "The sad thing is that we have different seats so I can't sit with you guys."

I looked at him, "Don't worry about it, I'm sure that it'll be fun either way."

He smiled, he was about to say something but was interrupted when Mr. Weasley shouted that we were there. I turned to them and walked faster up the hill, once I reached the top I saw that there was an old boot sitting at the very top of the hill.

Harry turned to them, "What is this?"

"This," Mr. Weasley said walking closer, "is a port key, it'll take us to our destination."

Mr. Diggory looked at us, "On three, grab on."

As they counted down, we all grabbed on and were sent spinning. I looked around and noticed that it looked and felt as if we were falling through the air. Mr. Wealsey told us that we were supposed to let go when he said, so on his command we all let go and landed on our feet or backs. I was one of the unlucky ones and I landed on my back, getting the air knocked out of me. 

Cedric came over but was beat by Hermione who reached me first, "Are you alright (y/n)?"

"Yeah," I said, accepting her help, "I'm good."

We all walked down to the area where the seats were, Mr. Weasley apologizing that he wasn't able to get closer seats but we all didn't mind. We were all excited about seeing the game, even if we were far up. Cedric and his father split away from us, heading to their own seats as we continued to ascend the steps. We ran into the Malfoys who began to taunt us about getting high seats. 

"You know (y/n)," I heard Draco say, "you could always sit with us."

I looked at him, then at his parents who seemed to be upset at this offer. I smiled and shook my head, "No thanks, Draco. I hope you guys enjoy the game, I'm sort of happy with where I'm sitting. Thank you though."

With that, we turned and left to go and find our seats. Once we reached them, we noticed that although it was high, it gave us a perfect view of everything that would be going on in the pitch. As we sat there, Ron told us about who was playing and who he thought would win, I heard the twins making bets with others about which team would win the game. Once the teams came out, people began to cheer and shout about who was who. The game was between Bulgaria and Ireland. Viktor Krum then came out, and Ron began to fangirl, I was extremely confused as were Harry and Hermione, I assumed that Hermione would know who he was but I guess not. 

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