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Authors POV: 

After a few more minutes of fighting, some of the death eaters left or were defeated by the students and Order members. There were still a few that were battling with the Order members and 5 of the 6 students who were in that room. (Y/n) had just knocked the death eater she was fighting unconscious so she was free to help those that needed it. 

Hermione noticed this, "Go find Harry," she shouted to her friend.

(Y/n) hesitated for a moment but noticed that Lupin was giving her a worried look, she knew that he was worried about Harry and wanted to make sure he was okay. She nodded before rushing out the door that Harry left and heading in random directions before appearing in the main area of the ministry. Dumbledore was in front of Harry who was laying on the floor. Voldemort was a few feet away from the two of them with his wand raised. 

(Y/n) was unable to hear what they were saying to each other, but she could guess that they were arguing about something based on Dumbledore's face. She looked over to Harry and let out a sigh of relief, she was glad that he was somewhat okay and had minimal wounds on him. She quickly made her way over to her brother and knelt next to him, causing him to jump a bit. 

Harry looked over, worried that it might be a death eater, "(Y/n)," he exclaimed, hugging his sister. 

(Y/n) smiled and hugged her brother back, "I'm glad you're okay," she told him. 

He nodded and let her go, "Where are the others?"

"Lupin was worried and most of the death eaters have retreated or were defeated by us," she told him. 

Harry nodded and they both went silent, watching and Dumbledore raised his wand and cast a spell. Fire came out of the tip of his wand, spreading around him and going in the direction of Voldemort. Seeing him up close once again was a terrifying sight for (y/n) and she knew that it was for Harry as well, she could feel him shaking beside her. They watched as Voldemort attempted to protect himself by shooting spells at the fire that was advancing in his direction. 

The spells that he used against the headmaster were ineffective and only caused sparks to fly off and start small fires around them. The sparks that were sent flying ended up hitting the two teenagers who were behind Dumbledore and burning their clothes and any exposed skin. They made sure to pat them out before any bad damage could be done to them but there were some red spots and blisters that were forming on their arms. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Voldemort left with one last warning directed at the two teens. 

"I'll be back for you two, and I won't lose," he shouted before disappearing.

Dumbledore turned to the two teens and rushed to their sides. They were both pale and their eyes were wide which worried him but he calmed down once they moved to look at him. Before he could get them out of there, ministry workers began to stream in, talking and laughing with one another before they noticed the three others that were in the middle of the room. People screeched and screamed at the sight of the two injured teenagers and the tired-looking man. 

Dumbledore then shouted for them to hear, "Voldemort is back."

~Time skip~

The seven students that had gone to confront the death eaters were sitting inside Dumbledore's office, waiting for him to scold or expel them for their actions. They had left school grounds at night and it was now early in the morning, the sun was barely rising above the mountains in the distance. 

The teenagers heard the door to Dumbledore's office open and saw the heads of their houses walk in with Dumbledore. (Y/n) looked down at her hands, worried that she would have to leave the school and go back to the Dursleys. 

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