Filler Chapter

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A/N: There are some random things that I add into here that didn't happen and I will be kind of pushing the date for the Battle of Hogwarts forward rather than have them wait until they're 17-18-year-olds in other chapters. Sorry about not updating, I hope you're all well <3

Author's POV:

A few weeks had passed since (y/n) had first arrived in Japan, her time there was peaceful, and had very few problems to deal with. The only slightly larger problem that she had was All Might and his teachings. Through that hero studies that she had seen, he was a horrible teacher with no experience, not to mention that he was obviously quirkist and played favorites at times. She respected him as a pro-hero but she refused to respect him as a teacher, especially with the way that she had been treated.

Every time they had a hero studies class, he would continuously put (y/n) on the villain side rather than the heroes and she would be put against those that have a much stronger quirk than her. She got tired of it after the first few times and had confronted the hero about his actions but he denied having done anything she said. After a small bit of talking, both her and All Might snapped.


"You do realize that what you're doing is wrong, right," (y/n) asked All Might.

The two of them were standing in a hall close to the grounds that the class was training at. (Y/n) had pulled All Might off to the side in order to have a talk with him about his actions and why she felt it was wrong. The two didn't know that Midoriya had walked over and was listening from around the corner.

All Might shook his head with a fake confused look on his face, "I am unsure of what you mean Young Aizawa."

(Y/n) let out an annoyed laugh, "I know you know what I mean, you keep putting me on the villain's side against those that are sure to beat me without even trying. What are you trying to get at?!"

They continued arguing back and forth for another few minutes before All Might snapped, "Villainous quirks do not belong in this school, you do not belong in this school. Those with heroic quirks are the only ones that are sure to make it in this type of profession."

(Y/n) stared at him then scowled, "I hope you fucking realize that every quirk that's in this world can be considered heroic. And I have no clue how you became the Number 1 hero with that attitude and mindset because both of those aren't heroic. Heroes save and reassure people, not put them down. Consider yourself lucky that I won't be going to the principal to report you  for discrimination."

All Might stood there silently, his mouth hanging open. He obviously hadn't expected the girl to talk back to him or point out the things that she had. He viewed the things she was doing and saying as disrespect rather than stating the truth, in response to what she had threatened him with, he got upset.

"Young lady," he said, a frown forming on his face, "you are not to speak to the Number 1 hero in that way. I was only looking out for your safety, in no way were my actions discriminatory. I expect an apology by the end of the day."

With that, All Might turned around and walked away from (y/n), leaving no room for arguments. For the remainder of the exercise, (y/n) continued to be the villain in several different scenarios or she would have to sit out entirely.

At the end of the day, she did not give All Might the apology, she decided that she would handle it until she was sure that she needed help.

~Flashback over~

After that, she continued to be the villain or a regular civilian that needed saving. All Might refused to help her when she asked for it and wouldn't give her another role, today, she hoped, would be a bit different. Her dad, Aizawa, would be watching them do another drill. She hoped that with him there, she would get to be in the hero position rather than the villain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2021 ⏰

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