Tasks and Ball

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A/n: The tasks might be a bit summarized rather than having all of the details.

(Y/n) POV : 

The day of the first task came and I was nervous, Harry and I had talked about what the task could be about that involved dragons but we couldn't come up with anything other than fighting them. Harry had told me that he learned the summoning charm just in case he had to use it with the dragon to get away, but he doubted that he would have to. 

Rita was inside of the tent and was watching all of the participants closely. She grabbed a few photos, including one of Hermione hugging Harry and another of me leaning into Harry who had an arm around me at the time. She was kicked out by Viktor who told her that the tent was for participants only. Once she left, Dumbledore came inside with a hat and told us that the dragon that we pull would be the dragon that we would be facing. 

Cedric would be facing a Swedish Short-Snout, Viktor got a Chinese Fireball, and Fleur was going up against a Welsh Green. When it came to Harry and I choosing, we were told that the only two left were the same, a Hungarian Horntail. I didn't know much about this dragon, but I hoped that it wasn't as violent as other dragons I had seen. 

The original participants passed and now it was Harry's turn to go up against the dragon that I would soon face. At first, Harry seemed to be struggling, but he eventually was able to get the egg by summoning his broom. When he entered the tent, I ran up and hugged him. 

"You did a great job," I said, squeezing him a bit tighter. 

I felt him hug back, "Thank you," he said, "don't worry, you'll do great."

I smiled, but that smile soon fell once I heard the click of a camera and saw a flash. We pulled away and saw that Rita had somehow gotten back into the tent. 

"That's beautiful," she said, "are you sure you're only siblings? That Hermione girl seems to have some competition."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Shut it, we're siblings.  You're not even supposed to be here," I told her. 

She shrugged before leaving, my name was called a few moments later. I waved to Harry and walked to the opening. I took a deep breath before walking out. When I saw the dragon, I was terrified, it was large and I knew that if given the chance it would bite my head clean off. I knew that they were very protective of their eggs, so I had very little chance of getting the egg. 

I attempted to walk around but was quickly spotted by the Horntail. We had limited time to reach the egg and to me, it seemed that I wouldn't make it in time. I had made a bit of progress and was a few meters from the egg, but once again the dragon saw me and blew fire in my direction. I was able to get my head out of the way, but my arm didn't have the best of luck. A burning sensation spread along the inner side of my arm, when I looked I saw that my right sleeve had caught on fire and it was spreading quickly. I yelped in surprise and quickly put out the fire, I didn't look at the damage because I knew that it would be bad. The pain that I could feel was horrible and I knew that if I looked it would make the pain worse than it already was. 

I shook off the feeling and ran a bit closer to the dragon and the egg, trying to make as little sound as possible. I was able to get within about 100 feet of the egg when I noticed that the dragon wasn't anywhere near the egg. 

"Where'd it go," I mumbled to myself, looking around. 

I couldn't see it so I decided that I would walk closer to the egg, but when I took a few steps closer, I felt something sharp rip through my clothes and deeply scratch along my back. I screamed in pain and turned around, behind me was the dragon and it didn't look happy that I was this close to the egg. 

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