Sorting and Searching

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(Y/n) POV : 

We arrived at Diagon Alley after some interruptions, by that I mean that Harry was getting his hand shaken by a bunch of different people who he didn't know and he decided to drag me with him. We walked in and there were people all over the place, the difference between the people and me and Harry was the fact that most of them were wearing robes or some other clothes that you wouldn't find anywhere else. I was amazing at the things I was seeing and I was excited to go to a school where I would belong. 

As I was looking around, I made sure to have a good grip on Harry's hand so I wouldn't get lost and he made sure to hold my hand tight as well so I wouldn't wander off. I saw people gathering around a certain area and I dragged Harry with me to check what everyone was so excited over, once we got there I saw that there was a broom on display and my excitement faded. I told Harry to ask what the excitement was for over the broom. 

He sighed and turned to find someone to ask, when he found someone who looked older he tapped them on the shoulder, "Excuse me, my sister and I wanted to know what all of the excitement is over this broom, would you mind explaining to us?"

The boy turned to us, he seemed to be around 14 years old, had brown hair that seemed to poof up but it wasn't messy. His eyes were a light grey moved between mine and Harry's faces before actually speaking. 

"You guys don't know about quidditch," he asked.

I spoke up this time, "What's that?"

He seemed like he understood something, "Oh, you were raised by muggles, weren't you? Well, quidditch is a sport, and that broom flies, it's used for a sport that wizards play. You're going to Hogwarts right?"

I nodded and he seemed to brighten up at that, "That's good, then I'll end up seeing you there. My name's Cedric, Cedric Diggory. What are your guys' names?"

I tugged on Harry's sleeve, signaling him to do the talking, "My name is Harry Potter, this is my sister (y/n) Aizawa."

Cedric looked a bit surprised, "Oh, um sorry to ask this but are you guys not blood-related?"

I shook my head, "No, um we aren't."

He nodded, "Well then, I'll see you there, I hope you guys end up in Hufflepuff."

He winked toward my direction and walked away. Harry looked a bit upset when he did that, he tightened his grip on my hand again and dragged me off to go find Hagrid. As we walked, I looked at Harry who seemed to have calmed down. I poked Harry with my other hand because I had a question.

When Harry looked at me I asked, "What the fuck is a Hufflepuff?"

Harry's face went from a small frown to a large smile then he burst out laughing, luckily everyone was so busy trying to get to their destinations that they didn't take more than one glance at Harry who was gasping for breath. Eventually, I joined in on laughing, once we both calmed down we went to find Hagrid only to find him looking a bit frantic while looking in all directions. 

I let go of Harry's hand and ran to Hagrid, when I tugged on his coat he looked down and let out a sigh of relief. 

"I thought I lost you guys, next time you go somewhere make sure you tell me first," he said while wiping off sweat from his forehead. 

Harry came up behind me and grabbed my hand again, "Sorry Hagrid, (y/n) wanted to see the broom that was on display and we got distracted trying to figure out why it was there in the first place."

Hagrid laughed a bit, "That's alright, don't worry. Now come on, we have things to get for you two."

~Time skip to when they get their wands~

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