Christmas and the Mirror

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A/N: You are the only known person with a quirk and magic so many people are after you, including Voldemort. 

(Y/n)'s POV : 

It had been a few days since the troll incident, we had forgotten about the fight that Ron and Hermione had gotten into. We were sitting outside while Harry was reading up on Quidditch, we had a small fire going to keep warm when Snape came outside. We attempted to hide the fire, but I guess we looked suspicious because Snape came over to us.

"What are you four doing," he asked in his normal monotone voice. 

Harry held up his book, "Reading, sir."

I mentally praised him for his quick thinking, but it seemed that quick thinking didn't get us out of trouble this time because Snape reached over and grabbed the book. He claimed that library books were not permitted to be outside of the school, he told Harry that he would have to get it back later then he turned and left. We were slightly surprised that he hadn't seen the fire but Harry was slightly annoyed that this 'studying' time had been interrupted, especially because his Quidditch match was coming up and he wanted to be ready. 

Harry was staring at Snape and continued to do so until I nudged him, "Hey, what're you staring at?"

He flinched when I spoke but turned to me, "Snape's limping, did you notice?"

I shook my head and looked in the direction that Snape walked in, "Maybe he tripped or something," I said, not getting what Harry was trying to say.

Harry just nodded at my suggestion then we went back to talking with Hermione and Ron. After another 30 minutes or so, we walked back to the dormitory and were about to go in when Harry said that he would be going to get his book back from Snape.

"I'll go with," I said, "I'm not ready to go back inside yet."

Harry nodded and we walked together to the potions classroom, hoping that Snape would still be there. We talked a bit about what we had learned, it seemed that Harry knew little about certain subjects because he had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned a certain potion. I laughed at this and he blushed a bit then shoved me lightly.

"Shut it," he mumbled.

I laughed and shoved him back, "You need to pay attention."

He rolled his eyes and nodded as we neared the classroom, we went quiet when Harry knocked. We didn't hear anything so we opened the door and walked in a bit, not bothering to knock another time.

"Professor, we-," Harry stopped talking and went completely silent.

I peeked around and saw that Snape had his pant leg rolled up, his leg had a few deep gashes on it that looked like it was recent. I gasped a bit but made sure to keep quiet because Snape was speaking to someone.

"How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once," Snape said, sounding slightly agitated. 

Harry seemed to have leaned on the door a bit too much because it caused a creaking noise, Snape's head snapped in our direction and I managed to get out of his line of view just in time. He shouted at Harry to leave, he sounded panicked and angry when he spoke. I backed up so Harry would have room to close the door, Harry jumped and quickly slammed the door shut. He turned to me and we looked shocked at the event that we had just witnessed. I grabbed his hand and together we made our way to the Gryffindor common room. 

I grabbed Hermione and Harry grabbed Ron, we walked down to Hagrid's hut while explaining to Ron and Hermione about what we had just seen. We made it down to his hut in a few minutes and knocked on the door, after a moment or two the door was opened to reveal Hagrid. He smiled when he saw that it was the four of us.

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