The Next Chapter in Our Lives

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(Y/n)'s POV :

The letters had been coming continuously, every time we got the post there were more letters. Whoever was sending those letters seemed determined to have us read them. Every time we got those letters, they were ripped away from us by Vernon before we had the chance to open them, they were burned in the fire or shredded and we were forced to watch.

Whatever was in those letters was something important that the Dursleys didn't want me or Harry to see, they had even gone far enough as to move me and Harry into Dudley's extra room. However, whoever was sending the letters was aware of the fact that we had moved into a different sleeping quarter as the address had changed as well. 

All that week, owls were covering our yard and all of the things that were within the area of the house. Vernon had gone a few extra steps and made sure that the mail slot was boarded up so that no mail could get through. Any owls that brought those letters were stopped because of the slot being covered. The week went by fast for me and Harry, while it seemed to drag on forever for the Dursleys.

Finally, it was Sunday, which meant no post, Harry and I didn't have to worry about attempting to get the letters. While serving the Dursleys some cookies, Vernon began to talk.

"Sundays are my favorite day of the week," he said with a disturbing smile on his face. "Do you know why?"

"Because there's no post on Sundays," Harry and I answered at the same time.

Vernon laughed and repeated our words, "Because there's no post on Sundays."

As those words left his mouth there was a noise, it was soft at first but got louder with every passing second. It sounded as if something was hitting against a wall or something. The noise seemed to be coming from nearby, I looked towards the chimney wondering if that's where the noise was coming from. Suddenly, when the noise seemed to be loudest, a letter flew out and hit Vernon in the middle of his nose. After that first letter, more letters flew out of the chimney with no sign of stopping any time soon.

I looked at Harry and he seemed to have an idea, I watched as he got up onto one of the couches and tried to catch one of his letters. I decided to do the same, all the while the Dursley's were yelling in fear and surprise. While they were confused, Harry and I were able to grab one of our letters, we smiled excitedly and ran to get out of the living room before they could be taken from us. Luck seemed to be against us because as soon as we began to run, we were grabbed by our collars and Vernon was yelling about packing our bags.

"We're going somewhere far from here, where those blasted letters won't find us," he yelled out, red in the face.


Wherever Vernon had wanted to go, I was not expecting this. We were near the sea, Vernon was asking for someone to take us out further into the sea. I was slightly scared, thinking about the possibilities of going out to the ocean while the waves were this violent. As we boarded the boat, the waves crashed into it causing it to tilt as we were trying to walk onto it. Once we were on, we walked to a part of the boat where we wouldn't fall off if the boat was to rock harder than it was. The deck was already slippery as is, the waves were making it worse, so even if we wanted to we wouldn't be able to go out onto the deck to see where we were going.

I looked at Harry, he seemed to be thinking about something. I tapped his shoulder, he jumped a bit before turning to me, his glasses were fogged over and his hair, for once, lay flat on his head. 

"Do you know where we're going," I asked him?

He shook his head, "I have no clue. I hope it'll be warmer than it is here."

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