Meeting the Principal

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A/n: They're going to have dorms already, I know it doesn't happen until later on but I'm moving some things around.
normal - Japanese
Italics - English

Author's POV : 

(Y/n) exited the plane with Momo and Bakugou at her sides and her dads behind her. They had all left for the airport the second that the 3 had returned with (y/n) with them, scared that Vernon would find them if they didn't leave for Japan soon. (Y/n) had made sure to send a letter to Harry, letting him know that she was okay and had made it out before she left for the airport. She made sure to tell him the phone number that Aizawa had just in case he wanted to contact her. 

Luckily, (y/n) was able to convince the security to allow her to bring her owl, claiming that it was the last thing she had from her dead mother. They had taken pity on her and allowed her to take Bokuto with her. The students and two teachers were now standing outside of the airport, waiting for the cars that Nezu said he would send for them. Aizawa had forgotten to inform Nezu of bringing his daughter back, so he decided that he would tell the principal once they reached the dorms. 

"Dumb nerd, you aren't showing (y/n) around," Bakugou shouted at the shaking boy. "You'll just get her lost, I'm obviously the best choice."

(Y/n) had noticed that the two males normally never stopped fighting and argued over the slightest things. She was worried at first but decided that she shouldn't interfere with their relationship, leaving them to figure it out for themselves. 

"Denki," (y/n) called to the electric boy. 

"Yeah," he said, his voice cracking halfway through the word causing him to blush. 

(Y/n) giggled a bit at his embarrassment, "Would you mind showing me around, you can choose another person."

Denki was surprised that the (h/c) girl had decided to ask him and not another student, "I would love to," he said, smiling at the girl. 

"Great," she said, smiling back at the blonde. 

Todoroki came up next to them, "May I accompany you two later on? I don't want to deal with their fighting," he asked, motioning to the two who were still arguing. 

(Y/n) sighed at the sight of them and nodded at the dual haired boy, confirming that he was allowed to go with them. Though Denki was upset at the fact that he wouldn't have (y/n) to himself, he was slightly glad because he had never been the best with talking to girls. 

They waited for a bit longer before the cars showed up, once they did, everyone was quick to throw their luggage inside of the trunks and hop in. Aizawa had already discussed the room situation with his daughter, she was to be put into the extra room that they had inside of the dorms rather than sharing a room with any of the other students. 

It took around an hour to reach the dorms, the time had passed by quickly for most but it passed by very slowly for Aizawa who had just wanted to sleep. The cars were filled with screaming, arguing, and laughter with Aizawa telling his students in his car to shut up before he threw them out. The threat fell on deaf ears as none of the talking and shouting came to a stop, causing Aizawa to just groan and attempt to fall asleep. 

They reached the dorms and the students immediately jumped out of the cars and rushed inside with their luggage, Mina dragging (y/n) behind her. Mina showed (y/n) the empty dorm room that she would be using which located at the end of the hall next to Momo's room. 

"Thank you, Mina," (y/n) told the pink-skinned girl.

Mina just gave her a bright smile and a hug before skipping back to her room which was a few doors down from where (y/n) would be staying. (Y/n) unpacked all of her belongings and made her bed, double-checking that she had everything. Bokuto was free to roam around her room and she even left the window open so he would be able to fly out if he wanted to. The room was relatively small but it was larger than the room that she had gotten at the Dursley's so she was happy with it. 

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