Fluffy and a Troll?

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(Y/n)'s POV :

I woke up and saw that Hermione was up and getting ready for the day. I greeted her then walked to the bathroom so I could take a shower. Once I was done showering, I put on my robes and combed my (h/l) (h/c) hair, and walked out to meet Hermione. Together we walked down to the dining hall and grabbed breakfast. 

"What class sounds the most interesting to you," I asked my bushy-haired friend while reaching for an apple.

Hermione thought for a moment, "I think that Defense Against the Dark Arts sounds interesting. What about you?"

"I think that Potions would be interesting. It seems like it would be like baking and I'm good at that," I replied then took a bite of my apple.

We continued to talk about classes and Hermione told me some of the basics of Potions that she had read about a few weeks before coming to Hogwarts. Ron and Harry came in a little while later looking a bit messy, I laughed as they got closer noticing that Harry's glasses were crooked. 

"What," Harry questioned me with his mouth full.

I shook my head, "Why do you two look like you barely woke up from a nap?"

He sighed, "We slept in, we forgot some things so we might have to go back for them later."

"Well, you better make sure you're on time for class. We have Professor McGonagall first."

He rolled his eyes, "Yes, I know. It was my fault anyway, I couldn't really sleep and I kept Ron up a bit later than expected. He was telling me about Quidditch and I got caught up in it and forgot that we had class today."

I laughed at him, "Good luck," I said as I stood up after finishing my apple, "Hermione and I will be heading to class, we'll see you two there."

Hermione got up and we threw out our trash, we walked quickly to find McGonagall's classroom and finally found it after a few minutes of getting lost and asking for directions. We sat in our seats and got out our materials, we hadn't been the first ones there but we weren't one of the last few to enter. McGonagall sat on her desk in her animagus form, which was a cat, and seemed to be waiting for something. I noticed that neither Harry nor Ron were here yet and I facepalmed.

"The one thing I tell them was to not be late," I muttered, "and what do they do? They're late."

The door was slammed open and Ron and Harry came rushing in with their books and wands in their hands and they looked panicked. 

Ron relaxed when he thought that McGonagall wasn't there, "See Harry, we're fine. She isn't here yet, she won't know that we were late."

The cat jumped off of the table and transformed into McGonagall, she looked at them with a slightly disappointed voice, "Why are you two late?"

Harry gulped as Ron looked at her in amazement, "That was wicked."

Harry elbowed him a bit, "Sorry Professor, we got a bit lost on the way here."

McGonagall looked at him through her glasses, "I would suggest a map then. Maybe I should turn Weasley into a map, then one of you wouldn't be late."

They looked nervous as they rushed to their seats. I giggled a bit and Harry turned to playfully glare at me. The lesson went on and finished in what seemed like minutes. Together, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I walked to our next lesson which happened to be potions. We made sure that we would get there early, not wanting to upset Professor Snape. 

We walked down to the dungeons, where the classroom was said to be, we walked further down, a chill running down my spine. Hermione seemed creeped out because of this and grabbed my hand as I grabbed Harry's hand, the whole place seemed to have a creepy vibe to it. After a bit of walking through the cold hallway, we were able to find the classroom. We opened the door and found some Slytherins who were waiting there along with a few Gryffindors. I looked around and saw that, although we would be working with possibly toxic potions, the classroom didn't seem to have any ventilation and the windows were shut tightly. I walked with Harry to an open spot, Hermione sat on the opposite side of me and Ron sat on the other side of Harry. 

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