D.A and Visitors

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(Y/n)'s POV :

The year had started somewhat okay, it wasn't as bad as last year but it was different now without Cedric. Most of the summer was spent with Sirius, Hermione, and the Weasley's because of an incident that had happened with dementors and Harry using underage magic once again. When we had gotten on the train to Hogwarts, Harry told us that Dumbledore was ignoring him throughout his trial. We ended up discussing why he would be ignoring Harry considering everything that had just happened. 

After reaching the school, we watched as the first years were sorted and listened when the announcements were made. Turns out, we had a new DADA teacher because Mad-eye refused the position after what had happened last year. Professor Dolores Umbridge was the woman who would be teaching us and she was also a member of the ministry, which confused us. She told us that she needed to watch over the school because of everything that had happened for the past few years. 

"Now," Dumbledore said as he walked back to his podium, "this year, we will be having visitors from another school."

At this, most of us stiffened, worried about our visitor's safety with all of the events that had happened in the past year. Dumbledore must have noticed our body language because he immediately told us that it would be fine. 

"They are from Japan and have their own way of protecting themselves," he said, "They all have quirks and are training to be heroes."

After that, we relaxed a bit more and went to eating when Dumbledore allowed us to. During dinner, people did ask about my eye and I just told them that it was personal and, eventually, everyone stopped asking about it. Our first class with Umbridge didn't go great, she refused to teach us any spells claiming that we wouldn't be needing them either way. When Hermione asked her about it, she said that Voldemort coming back was a lie and it was meant to scare us. 

Harry then told her that both he and I had seen this for ourselves, which she quickly shut down. I was confused because I was sure that Dumbledore had told the ministry about Cedric's death and the cause of it. It was proven because of the death eater we had found, Barty Crouch Jr., and no one could prove that it didn't happen. 

When she began to say that his death was an accident, Harry stood up and shouted at her about how she was wrong and how both Harry and I had seen him killed. When she shot down his argument, I stood up and began to tell her the same thing. 

"Harry and I were there," I told her, slamming my hands on my desk. "We saw Voldemort, the death eaters, and Cedric being murdered. If you can't believe that then that's on you, but when he attacks, don't expect people to stand to help you."

She stayed silent for a moment before arguing with me, "You and Potter were most likely hallucinating, there's no way You-Know-Who is back."

We continued to argue with her until she ended up giving us detention. During that detention, we learned quickly that we shouldn't have talked back to her. When we had first walked in and were told to write lines, we were a bit confused because there was no ink.

"Where's the ink," Harry asked Umbridge. 

She shook her head, "These are a special type of quill, you won't be needing ink," she then turned to me and gave an unsettling smile. "Your quill is extra special."

I was a bit confused at this, but I shook it off and began to write the line that she gave us. 'I must not tell lies.' That was the line she told us to write and we were to rewrite it for the next 2 hours on a piece of parchment. As I was writing, I felt a small sting on the back of my other hand but shook it off until it got worse. I looked over and saw that the words I had been writing were being carved into my hand. 

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