"Dates" and hangouts

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A/n: This chapter's just a small filler, I haven't included that much romance inside of this book so here we go. You're pansexual in this story btw, by I forgot to put it at the character info. Also, we're gonna say that they have winter break right now.  (f/b) = favorite book

Author's POV : 

It had been a month since the U.A students and the two teachers had first come to Hogwarts. Oddly, nothing serious or life-threatening had happened since they had arrived, everything seemed normal and the four Hogwarts students were relieved. They had all assumed that their 5th year would be no different then their other years, but so far nothing had happened. 

The U.A students had grown closer with (y/n), each of them having spent a few hours with her and getting to know who she was as a person. Aizawa and Mic had spent time with her along with Shinsou, they had gotten closer as a family, and (y/n) had agreed to go with them to visit U.A and see what it was like in Japan once the school year was over. 

Mic saw (y/n) as his own daughter and deep down, he hoped that she saw him as a father figure. Shinsou was normally very bad at trusting others when he first meets them, it usually took months to force himself to trust a person, yet somehow, he found himself trusting (y/n) fully. Her kind personality and calming demeanor had allowed him to let himself trust her. 

Some of the students from U.A had began to take a liking to (y/n), both boys and girls. Sometimes, some of the people who had crushes on her attempted to make it very obvious that they liked her and wanted to go out with her, yet she was oblivious to all of it. Many of the students had attempted to take her on dates, but they never really turned out that way. 

"Would you like to take a walk to the Black Lake with me later and maybe have a small picnic," Todoroki had asked (y/n). 

The (h/c) girl smiled at him, "That sounds nice, I would love to go. Is anybody else going or will it be just us?"

Todoroki hadn't thought that it would be this hard to ask someone out, "Um, just us I suppose," he finally said. 

"What time," she asked him. 

Todoroki thought for a moment, "Around 1," he suggested?

(Y/n) nodded with a big smile on her face, "That sounds great, I'll meet you in front of the Great Hall."

When they had met up, they walked down to their destination and sat down near the water. The sun was up today, so the lake seemed to be sparkling. This was one of the reasons that Todoroki had chosen that day to have his picnic with his crush, the rest of the time it was cold and sometimes it was even snowing. Another one of his reasons was that he knew most of his peers had homework to catch up on or were training their quirks, so he had some free time to be alone with the (h/c) female. 

They sat for a bit, chatting and eating some of the food Todoroki had brought before a few people came up to them. Unluckily for Todoroki, it was two of his classmates, Bakugo and Sero. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing Icy-Hot," Bakugo yelled at Todoroki. 

The dual haired male was about to answer but (y/n) beat him to it, "We were just hanging out, Todoroki invited me on a picnic and I agreed," she said to the two males who had come to a stop right in front of the two. 

Sero looked back over at Todoroki who was staring at (y/n), "Well why didn't you invite us man," he asked Todoroki.

He looked up at the human tape dispenser (damn I'm sorry Sero), "I thought everyone was busy today," Todoroki said truthfully. 

Todoroki had genuinely thought that everybody would be busy today, Aizawa had even told all of them that they would have something to do today, Todoroki just so happened to finish his things early. Sero just shrugged before taking a seat next to (y/n), reaching for a small sandwich that laid on the blanket that Todoroki had brought for them to sit on. 

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