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A/N: There will be a lot of changes in the way the events take place, how things happened, the characters involved, and other things as well.

Author's POV : 

It had been a few days since (y/n) and Harry had gone to the astronomy tower, she made sure to spend time with Hermione and Ron after because she noticed that she hadn't been spending a lot of time with them. She had also spent some time with Draco, though he was mean to Harry, she considered him a friend. 

That night, (y/n) was feeling quite awake, she didn't want to wake the others with her reading light, so she read in the common room. It was around midnight when she heard screaming coming from the boys' dorms. At first, (y/n) didn't think anything of it, but then she remembered that Harry used to have nightmares and other things so she bolted up the stairs and slammed the door open. 

When she looked around, Harry was sweaty and sitting up while the other boys were gathered around his bed. Aizawa and Mic had heard the scream and ran to the room as well, not knowing if it was one of their students or not. (Y/n) ignored them and walked over to Harry, putting her hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you alright Harry," she asked him. 

Harry looked at her with wide, fear-filled eyes, "Snake..." he said. 

"Harry was it a bad dream," (y/n) asked softly. 

"Mr. Weasley, a snake was attacking him," Harry said, putting his slippers on. "We have to tell Dumbledore."

(Y/n) nodded, deciding to question him later, "Okay, let's go."

Aizawa was confused, "What happened?"

(Y/n) turned to her father, "Don't know, might be a bad dream, might not. We're going to tell Dumbledore though," she told him. 

Aizawa nodded and got his shoes on, "I'm going with you, you need an adult anyways."

Mic ran to grab his shoes as well, "I'm going too."

The two teens just nodded and walked to Dumbledore's office, they had decided that Ron was to stay there and Harry would explain later. They said the password and the 5 of them walked silently up the spiral staircase, Harry had been silent the entire way there and Mic and Aizawa were looking at each other with concerned looks. The two adults stayed a bit behind, watching as Harry and (y/n) walked faster than normal. 

"Do you know what happened," Mic asked his husband?

Aizawa shook his head, "It might just be a bad dream."

Mic just nodded and they rushed to catch up to the two teens who had entered the office. Once they reached the top, Harry rushed over to Dumbledore, who was seated at his desk.

"Hello Harry, what are you doing awake at this hour," he asked Harry.

Harry began to describe what he had seen in his vision. He told Dumbledore that he saw Mr. Weasley being attacked by a snake and how it was like he was watching from the snake's point of view. As Harry went on, Dumbledore's eyes widened as if he was frightened.

Once Harry was done, Dumbledore put on his normal expression and said, "I'll send someone to check it out right away. Don't worry, if this did happen then I can assure you that he will be fine. Off to bed, I'll inform you of what happened in the morning."

The two teenagers nodded and left the room, the two adults that had accompanied them were about to follow when Dumbledore called them back.

"Make sure those kids are okay, they've been through a lot. They don't need to be worrying about this," Dumbledore told the two pro heroes. 

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