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A/N: Things are changed and events are sped up so certain things can take place. There might be things I skipped over, so I'm sorry about that. Also sorry for the long wait for this update, I had a few tests I had to get ready for.

Author's POV: 

Umbridge was beyond upset at the students, they wouldn't tell her anything. The only information she got out of anyone was from Cho Chang and all she told her was where the meetings were being held, the leaders, and what it was called. She had tied the seven that she had been able to capture to chairs and was threatening them with spells and curses but none of them would tell her anything so she called in Snape.

"You wanted to see me," he asked as he walked into her office. 

She smiled tightly at the sight of him, "Get me some Veritaserum," she demanded. 

Snape gave her a nasty glare, "You used the last of it on that girl," he said, motioning to Cho. 

Harry found this a perfect time to tell Snape about what he saw, "They have Padfoot," he shouted to the potions professor. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden."

Snape's eyes widened a fraction but went back before Umbridge could notice. 

"What is he talking about," she asked the professor. 

Snape just looked away and said, "I'm not sure," before walking out of the room. 

After a few more questions from Umbridge and silence from the students, she held up her wand and pointed it at Harry, ready to use the cruciatus curse. 

Before she could say anything, Hermione yelled, "Harry, just tell her about Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Umbridge froze before turning to Hermione with a sick smile on her face, "What weapon," she asked, lowering her wand.

Hermione then went on to explain about some sort of weapon that Dumbledore was keeping a secret from the school, she somehow convinced Umbridge to let her and Harry show her the way to the weapon which was located in the Forbidden Forest. Once they left the room, the only ones that were keeping the 5 of the students in the room were other students. They all looked at each other and nodded before ripping off the restraints that they were put in and disarming the 3 students there. 

"Where do we go from here," Neville asked the others as they ran out. 

"Don't know, we'll meet Harry and Hermione somewhere," (y/n) told them. 

They all nodded and continued to run before they eventually ran into Harry and Hermione. 

"Let's go," Harry shouted, running towards the forest. 

The others followed, not knowing where they were going or why they were going there, but they knew that Harry had a reason for running to wherever he was running. They ran deeper into the forest until they ran into Thestrals, because (y/n) had also seen someone die in front of her, she was able to see the skeletal, horse-like creatures with reptilian-like skin. 

Harry ran to one of them and got onto it, "We're getting Sirius, the floo powder systems were all shut off and we can't get into Umbridge's office without her goons noticing."

The others looked at each other before nodding and getting onto the remaining Thestrals and turning to Harry, who would be leading them. 

"Ready," Harry asked his friends. 

"Ready," they all said. 

Harry nodded and their Thestrals took off, headed towards the Ministry. Harry informed them that this method of transportation would take them a few hours so they would have to wait to get there. 

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