First Day

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(Y/n)'s POV : 

I woke up feeling super tired, I slowly opened my eyes, allowing myself to get used to the light before looking towards the alarm clock. My eyes widened when I realized that we were late for breakfast, I shot up out of bed, tripping on my blankets in the process. 

I quickly got up, grabbing my things and changing before waking up the 3 other girls in my dorm, "Get up," I yelled, "We're late for breakfast."

Hermione quickly shot up and began to ready herself while the two others were still sleeping. I groaned, knowing that they might be hard to wake up. I walked over to Momo, shaking her awake before doing the same to Uraraka. Once they were up, I told them that they were late and they quickly got themselves ready. 

Once all of us were ready, we rushed down the stairs only to be met with the rest of Class 1-A. I gasped when I noticed that Ron and Harry were also late, along with the two teachers. We paused for a moment before Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I began to rush towards the exit, the class following closely behind us. Luckily, the stairs were still, so we ran down and rushed towards the Great Hall. 

We luckily made it to the hall in time for breakfast, so we sat down and started to eat. Most of the students had already left, but those that were hanging out inside of the hall were looking at the U.A students and the two teachers. 

"Why are they all looking at us," I heard Tsuyu ask. 

Before I could answer, Pansy came up to the students and began to talk. 

"So these are the oh so powerful students that came to visit," she said mockingly. 

I rolled my eyes, "Go away Parkinson, they're eating," I told her before going back to my food. 

"Shut it, mudblood," she said with a scowl, "I wasn't talking to you." 

Hermione stiffened up, both of us hadn't had good encounters with people calling us that slur. I stood up slowly, placing my utensils down onto the table before stepping towards her. 

"Leave it, Parkinson," I said harshly. "They don't want to talk to you."

I took another step towards her, the closer I got, she visibly got more nervous. Her eyes shifted away and she began to step back, attempting to get away from me. I knew that she remembered the time that I had used my quirk on her, it was on accident but she didn't know that. 

She opened her mouth to say something back but shut it after a few seconds. She then huffed and turned on her heel, walking out of the Great Hall. Once she was gone, I let out a sigh before turning back to Hermione. 

"Are you okay," I asked her, putting my hand on her shoulder. 

She nodded, relaxing once she saw that Pansy had left, "Yes, I'm okay now, thank you (y/n)."

I smiled at her, "Of course," I turned back to my dad, his husband, and his students. "Sorry about that."

"What was that about," my dad asked.

I shook my head, "I'll talk about it, later on, it's nothing to worry about right now."

They nodded and continued to eat, once we were finished, we made our way outside to the lake. It was Sunday, so we could do whatever we wanted to, but Hermione, Ron, Harry, and I, had no clue what to do. 

We talked the entire way down, listening to the heroes in training talk about their sports festival and the villain attacks that happened in school and outside of school. They showed us their quirks and all of us were pretty amazed. 

"Wow, your quirks are amazing," I told all of them. 

"What's your quirk," Deku asked me. 

I smiled, "My quirk is called pain. If I look at someone, I can cause them to feel the worst pain possible or any pain that I feel or have felt because my quirk is based on pain, I have really high pain tolerance so I can stand huge amounts of pain. My only drawbacks are headaches."

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