Quirks and Magic Within

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(n/n) : nick name 


Author's POV : 

It had been around 2 months since (y/n) had moved into the Dursley's home. She felt welcomed and she knew that Harry was there for her whenever she needed him to be. She was happy, she felt like she had a family again, she felt normal. But, like most things in (y/n)'s life, something had to ruin this happiness that she felt.

In another place :

Aizawa sighed, last month he had visited his ex-wife with his husband and son, he planned to explain that he wanted his daughter back. When he got there, he had Mic and Shinsou stay in the car while he went to the door.

(M/n) had opened the door, he looked past her and he saw the state that the house was in, his eyes widened in fear and regret. He saw the bloodstains, which looked as if someone had tried to remove them from the floors. He saw the mountains of beer bottles, beer cans, needles, and other things that shouldn't be around kids. His eyes widened as he saw the dents in the walls and some on the floors, the blood-smeared in different places.

"Where. Is. My. Daughter," Shouta demanded, staring (m/n) straight in the eyes.

She smirked, "Oh, that rodent. Yeah, she left a few months back. Snuck out her window. I honestly have no clue where she is and even if I did I wouldn't tell you."

Shouta could feel his rage build-up, he was furious, both at himself and at (m/n). He couldn't understand why she would do something like this, to a child nonetheless. He was mad that he didn't take (y/n) with him when he left. His fist clenched and he ground his teeth together. His eyes which were cast to the ground lifted and found her eyes.

He glared at her "Fuck you."

His voice held nothing but hatred and venom. (M/n)'s eyes widened, he hadn't said that to her. She slammed the door and he stormed away. They left the house in silence and when they reached their home, Shouta took off his shoes at the front door and immediately went to his and Mic's room.

He had told Mic what he was told and the state of the house. He had her arrested later that same month. (Y/n) wasn't a missing person, she was considered a runaway. Shouta was determined to find her again, he knew he would see his daughter once more. It was a promise he made himself. He wouldn't fail her again.

Back to (y/n)

It was a sunny day, (y/n) and Harry were tending to the garden and cleaning any trash they could find. (Y/n) had decided that she would help Harry in any way that she could, she had seen the way he was treated within the first few weeks that she stayed at the Dursley's, she didn't like it. It reminded her of the way she was treated, so she made it a habit of helping Harry with anything he was required to do even if he refused help.

Soon, he had stopped arguing with the girl and just accepted the fact that she would help no matter what and no one could stop her. However, that day she was feeling pain all over, she could hardly move.

Groaning could be heard from Harry's cupboard, (y/n) wasn't able to explain the pain that she felt, it was horrible. She didn't know what was going on, her body felt as if it was on fire and she felt as if her head was being slammed against the wall multiple times.

She heard the thumps of footsteps coming down the stairs and they got louder as they came closer. She knew those were Aunt Petunia's footsteps. For the past few days, Harry's been sleeping on the couch while (y/n) is in his cupboard, Auntie had claimed that the smaller girl needed her own space for her to get better. (Y/n) felt bad that Harry was now required to sleep on the couch but he reassured his little sister figure that it was okay and he wanted her to get better.

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