Part 32

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*Zayn's P.O.V.*

"I wuv One Diwection!" A little girl screams, running through the stage.

All of us boys just look at her but continue our routine. She looks oddly familiar. Both me and Harry look at her, remembering something.

Then one of the security guards whos wearing a shirt to big runs after her with another guard that looks like they're wearing lipstick? Huh?

The little girl comes running up to me and clings to my leg. I just smile at her and just keep on singing. The guard with the oversized shirt runs over to me. Hold on.......

"Sorry about that." The guard says in an oddly deep voice and looks down.

I try to kneel down trying to see the guard's face while singing my solo in She's Not Afraid. But the guard keeps ducking. Then I lose focus and can see Harry looking at the other guard while he sings also.

The guard takes the little girl and scurries backstage, with the other guard following behind. All of that causes confusion in the audience.

When the song's finished, Liam apologizes and says that no one should worry its no big deal. I'm honestly confused myself. I can't go backstage until the end of the concert.

I now have to focus again. This concert might be one of the longest.

*Sarah's P.O.V.*

"Emma! How can you do that?" I say as soon as we get backstage.

"But I wuv One Diwection." She answers innocently.

"So do I but you can't run through the stage like that." I say kneeling down to her height.

"I'm sowwy." Emma says pouting.

"Oh I can't stay mad at you." I say hugging her.

"OMG!!! Can you believe Harry Styles smiled at me!" Victoria squeals.

"Let's get out of these stupid uniforms now." I say. Thank goodness we left out clothes on underneath.

"So what do we do now?" Vicky asks as soon as we've changed.

"Here they are!" A security guard yells with a bunch following.

"Crap! They found us!"Vicky yelps.

"We thought you two got mobbed."a guard says.

"Huh?" Vicky and I say in unison.

"You're the 2 dancers from England, right?" Another says.

"Well of course we are. We were.....just looking for our costumes." Vicky says in a British accent.

"Um, yes. We've been here for ages trying to find them." I say also in an English accent.

"And who's this?" The guard says pointing at Emma.

"This niece?" I answer actually telling the truth. "If one of you could just take care of her."

"Of course. But you have to get out there ASAP. The costumes are right over there." The other guard says.

"Thank you boys." Vicky says heading over to a rack of costumes.

"Vicky!" I hiss in her ear. "I can't dance!"

"If course you can. You can do anything." She replies.

"No I can't! I took ballet when I was 6 years old. It's been 12 years since the last time I danced!" I say freaking out.

"Just follow my lead." She says dragging me into a dressing room. "You made me dress as security. I'm now putting you into this cute little dress."

"Where's the rest of it?" I say holding the piece of fabric as if its trash. "I can't pull this off. And wouldn't look good."

"You're insecure don't know what for-" Vicky begins, slipping on her dress.

"Nows not the time."

"Just put the damn dress on!" She yells.

"Okay okay. Geez." I say changing into my dress.

5 minutes later........

I didn't know how much stage fright I had until now. There are like 20 billion girls out there. Or that's just a guess.... But to correct estimations looks like 849 people. I have to give props to the boys for not have a nervous breakdown.

Victoria just follows the rest of the dancers while I cower behind the phone booth.

"Get out here!" Vicky whispers while smiling.

"I can't. I'll pee my pants." I say shivering in fear.

"C'mon they're easy moves." She replies.

"I can't-" she cuts me off.

"Either move your ass or I'll send your 6th grade school pictures on Facebook." Victoria threatens.

"Ugh. Fine." I say slowly getting up.

I finally find strength in my legs and actually walk on stage and mimic Vicky's moves. But she's actually a professional dancer while I'm an academic loser.

"C'mon you're doing great." She whispers at me, still smiling.

I keep on following her moves. Maybe it isn't so hard. Zayn glances back at the dancers including me then turns back.

Then he turns back again looking at me. Then his eyes widen. I try to cover my face with my hair.

"What are you doing here?" He hisses in my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say in the British accent still covering my face.

"Sarah, I know it's you." He says as goes back up in the front to say his solo in Truly, Madly, Deeply.

He's so cute. Quit it Sarah! Focus.

Then Harry looks back too. He also comes up to me.

"What are you doing?" Harry whispers.

"Do I know you?" I say still trying to hide my face.

"I already know its you Sarah." He says giving me a look. He goes back up in the front to sing his part.

I find most of the girls in the audience staring at me, probably jealous that Harry and Zayn came up to me.

Eleanor and Danielle even stare at us trying to remember something. This plan isn't going so well.

I'm hoping this concert ends soon. If it doesn't I'm probably going to pass out. Dancing is exhausting.

---------------------------------------------A/N: So I hope you liked this chapter. The concert is going to end probably in the next part. I hope you're liking the fanfic. I already have my idea for the next one. Going to start writing it soon. I hope you all like it. So comment, vote and keep reading. Thank youuuu :)

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