𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦

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Gentle beams of morning sunlight crept through the cracks of the sheer curtained windows. As the world awoke and the dawn of a new day bloomed, the sound of birds chirping merrily gently pulled Reverie from her sleep. She stirred, letting out a small groan, and her blue eyes fluttered open slowly.

Draping an arm over her eyes to block out the glowing light of the steadily rising sun, Reverie made to turn over in her bed but a strong arm held her in place. She remembered, with a blossom of warmth in her chest, that her boyfriend had spent the night.

"Good morning," Dream said groggily. His voice was sleepy and gravelly—his morning voice. Reverie craned her neck to look back at him and smiled lazily.

"Morning," she mumbled fondly. "What time is it?"

"Early," Dream answered. He gently ran his hand up and down Reverie's arm, creating a soft tickling sensation and eliciting goosebumps on her skin. "Tubbo isn't awake yet."

Through the thin walls, Reverie could hear her brother snoring. Evidently, he was still sleeping soundly. Reverie rolled over and buried herself in Dream's chest, seeking his warmth amidst the morning's chill.

"You should leave soon," she told him, a pain tightening in her chest as she done so. She hated when he had to leave. "We can't risk Tubbo finding out."

Dream heaved a deep sigh. "I know, just five more minutes."

A gentle sigh of contentment and agreement escaped Reverie. Her boyfriend held her tightly, savouring their last few moments together before Dream would have to leave for duties and Reverie would go and visit her best friend Wilbur while living with the weight that he didn't know about her secret relationship.

Reverie and Dream had been secretly seeing each other for a little over a year now now. Their relationship consisted of disappearing into the night together, wandering through dark forests illuminated by fireflies, and sneaking kisses in daylight behind walls and trees. Reverie enjoyed the thrill of sneaking around—it was exciting, especially because it was with Dream. He had a way of brightening every situation, and even making the already bright situations glow. Everything was fun when Dream was around.

The loud rumble of chatter and construction outside tugged Reverie from her daydream. With a groan of annoyance, she turned onto her back and Dream's arms fell limp around her.

"That stupid wall," she grumbled. "I don't know why they're bothering to put it up when they know you're just going to knock it back down."

Dream hummed in agreement but uttered no words. In perfect harmony, Dream and Reverie sat up, stretching their muscles and yawning, allowing the last few trickles of sleep to escape them. Then, Reverie swung her legs over the edge of her bed, shivering when her bare feet came in contact with the cool pannelled floor. She reached for a pair of woollen socks that had been discarded on her floor the night before and pulled them on.

As Dream yanked a green hoodie over his head, Reverie approached the window and drew back the sheer curtains. Down below, at the bottom of the hill amidst, various workers were labouring beneath the sweltering sun, creating blackstone walls to separate the small nation of L'Manberg from the rest of what Dream liked to refer to as his kingdom.

Tender arms snaked around Reverie's waist and she leaned back into Dream's arms. He kissed the top of her feathery brown hair and then rested his head on the top of her shoulder. Dream was at least eight inches taller than Reverie, so it must have been quite the uncomfortable position for him—hunched over and bending his back, but he seemed perfectly content as he breathed deeply, warmly, and gazed out at the construction of the walls.

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