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Sunbeams danced across the small landscape of L'Manberg, illuminating Dream in golden light as he approached the gates of the nation. His armour glittered in the blaring sunlight and his sword ploughed through the rich soils.

Reverie's heart sank to the pit of her stomach. It was common that she and Dream would find themselves amidst a group of people and would need to pretend that they were nothing more than acquaintances; this wasn't an easy task, given the fact that they knew they were going to meet in the shadows of the forest beneath the silver moonlight in only a few short hours. Now, however, Reverie would need to pretend to be Dream's acquaintance and try to discreetly signal to him that she was on his side, all the while she would be attempting to convince Wilbur that she did not want to fight against him.

Seemed simple enough.

"Wilbur—" Dream began, his voice reverberating through L'Manberg's walls and seeping into the earth. Before he could finish his proclamation, however, Tommy sprinted forwards in a blur of red and white, brandishing a stick in each hand.

"Viva la revolution!" he cried.

Dream drew his sword with a flash of purple light. The threatening sound made Reverie wince and, although she knew Dream would never hurt her, she found herself taking one step closer to Wilbur's side in search of the certainty of safety.

Tommy yelped in alarm and jumped backwards, dropping his sticks as he done so.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Wilbur called frantically, waving his hands to call for peace. "We use our words, Dream."

"No weapons or armour," Tommy added. "We use our words to fight—like civilized men."

Dream considered this statement for a moment. Although the wide majority of his face was concealled behind the ceramic mask that he had seemed to be so attached to, his mouth was still visible, and Reverie could see him chew his bottom lip as he rolled Tommy's words over in his head.

"So it's the land of pussies?" he said at last.

"No, I wouldn't say that—" Wilbur said calmly, but Tommy angrily bellowed over him. "Dream!"

Dream's gloved hand tightened around the hilt of his sword. Tubbo stepped forward and pulled Tommy back before he could make a decision he would inevitably regret.

"Dream, all we want from you is acknowledgement that we are an independent nation," Wilbur said confidently, yet his tone of voice remained steady and civil. Reverie took a brief moment to admire how great of an orator Wilbur was.

"You'll be taxed for entering the rest of the kingdom," Dream told Wilbur. "Is that what you want?"

Wilbur did not hesitate with his response. "You can set up your own Visa, we don't care. We don't need anything outside of these walls."

Although she couldn't see it, Reverie knew Dream well enough to be able to tell that he had arched an eyebrow to express both scepticism and mockery.

"Are you sure about that?"

"A hundred percent sure," Wilbur answered firmly. "The only thing we'll require is—I think Tubbo and Tommy will need their items to move here, but that's all."

Reverie's heart skipped a beat. She whirled around to face her brother and gave him a surprised yet saddened look.

"You're moving out?" she asked, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice. She and Tubbo had always had each other; never before had it occurred to her that one day they would have to part ways. She always just assumed that they'd have each other, be there with each other forever.

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