𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲

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"Tubbo, the discs were worth more than you ever were!"

These words, uttered by Tommy in his fit of rage, brought an instant halt to all ongoing fighting as everyone stilled, sucking in sharp breaths in the form of gasps. It was even enough to silence Dream, who had opened his mouth, probably to throw more manipulative lies at Reverie.

Tubbo's heart shattered behind his eyes—it was clear for everybody to see. His face paling, he lowered his axe, staring at Tommy in sheer disbelief. Tommy's face was set in an expression of utmost regret and horror at his own words.

"I—I don't..." Tubbo forced out in weak stammers. "You meant that?"

His shoulders slumping, Tommy sighed, evidently disappointed in himself. He clipped the Axe of Peace onto his belt and turned, his head hung low, avoiding the eyes of anyone and everyone.

"Give him the disc," Tommy said, his voice small.

Reverie's heart missed a beat. "Tommy—"

"You want me to give Dream the disc?" Tubbo requested confirmation. His voice was hollow, void of all emotion. Tommy's harsh words had clearly stung him.

Tommy's face contorted with anguish and he momentarily tugged at his hair.

"See?" Dream said coolly, looking towards Tubbo. "He realises that he needs to pay. He's finally realising."

Reverie rolled her eyes. "Do you ever shut up?" she snapped.

Tommy faced Tubbo once more and, albeit hesitantly, he lifted his gaze so that he could look Tubbo in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Tubbo," Tommy said, and it was clear by his tone of voice that he was being sincere. "Just—just give him the disc."

Despite the fact that Tommy had hurt him in a way that no one else ever could, Tubbo still hesitated before turning and exiting the rubble, starting his short journey back to L'Manberg to retrieve Mellohi.

They all waited in silence for Tubbo's return, heads bent low. Many people were sporting cuts and gashes, some of which were still oozing blood. More than once, somebody had opened their mouth to speak, but their words would trail into nothing but a saddened sigh.

Minutes later, Tubbo returned, a music disc clutched in his hand and a regretful expression painted on his face. Avoiding meeting Tommy's eyes, Tubbo passed the music disc to Dream, who in turn smiled triumphantly. Reverie's grip on her sword tightened painfully. Had traces of caring towards Dream not still lingered within her, she would have struck him down then and there in a flare of anger.

Tommy placed his head in his hand, turning his back on the sight that was Dream gloatingly waving Mellohi in his face.

"Are you sure about that decision, Tommy?" Techno spoke. "I mean, the difficulty just went way up, I'm just saying."

"Techno, I'm—this isn't me," Tommy said, his voice escaping in a heavy sigh. "This isn't who I want to be."

Reverie momentarily met Techno's eyes and she could tell by his apprehensive countenance that he was thinking the exact same thing as she was. Techno took a tentative step towards Tommy.

"Tommy, what are you saying?" he questioned warily.

"Techno, if this is what I've become, then I don't want to be me anymore."

Technoblade was a master at masking his emotions, Reverie knew that, but not this time. This time, Reverie could see the pain in his eyes, and she knew the exact thoughts that were running through his head, because she was thinking them too. In the previous few weeks, Reverie had seen Tommy gradually becoming more and more like Technoblade. To hear your younger brother effectively say that they didn't want to be anything like you would have been a hard blow for anyone to take.

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