𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧

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Tubbo had no idea what was going to become of the kingdom. In the last few months, all the citizens of both L'Manberg and Dream's kingdom had collectively come to the agreement that establishing a government was a terrible idea, but living in a lawless society would be just as catastrophic. The only solution they could agree on was that they all ruled equally. There was no president, no government, everyone just gathered together in once place where they could discuss issues and pass laws.

Unfortunately, after the destruction of L'Manberg, there was no building that would suffice these meetings, so Tubbo found himself sitting in a circle of fold-out chairs in an open field listening to his friends discuss plans on how they would take out his sister.

"We could always talk to Sam," Ponk suggested. "I know the prison wasn't built for her, but—"

"No way," Sapnap interjected. "Who's to say she won't escape? Killing her is our safest option."

"The prison is inescapable, Sapnap," Ponk rolled his eyes. "You just want an excuse to stab her again."

Sapnap smiled somewhat evilly. "It was a pretty great feeling."

Tubbo, who had spent the entire meeting sitting in silence with his head bent low, looked up and spoke at last.

"You can't kill her," he stated. His words grabbed the undivided attention of everyone in the ring as all heads turned to face Tubbo, several pairs of eyes piercing him.

Sapnap sighed exasperatedly, stifling an eyeroll. "Look, Tubbo, I know she's your sister and everything but—"

"I'm not saying you can't kill her because I don't want you to," Tubbo cut in. "I'm saying you physically can't kill her."

"And why's that?" Sapnap hummed challengingly, folded his arms and narrowing his eyes. "She's just one person. We could all take her together, not to mention Tommy is on our side too."

Letting out a shaky exhale, Tubbo got to his feet, shaking his head slowly.

"One person that was trained by the best," Tubbo said, his voice low and somewhat daunting. "She was trained by Dream and Technoblade—I mean, people in other lands think that Dream and Blade are myths, they're that legendary. They're basically gods and, yeah, maybe Reverie couldn't match either one of them in combat, but she's still a perfect blend of the two of them. She has both of their fighting styles, their skills."

"So you're saying she's a god?" Karl chimed in. He fumbled with his fingers, his gaze focused solely downwards and he occasionally tugged at the strings on his hoodie.

"I mean, yeah, basically," Tubbo answered, earning himself a scoff of mockery from Sapnap. "Let's not forget how alike her and Wilbur are too."

"Oh yeah, because Wilbur was godlike in combat," Sapnap drawled sarcastically.

"That's not my point," Tubbo waved him down sternly. "Wilbur was insane, he was batshit fucking crazy, and him and Reverie have the same mindset, the same morals. And out of all our enemies, who's the only one that we never, not once managed to stop?"

A silence ensued in which the party was engulfed in a dome of tension that slowly pressed in upon them. Tubbo watched as everyone glanced uneasily between one another, before Ranboo gulped and said, his voice trembling ever-so-slightly, "Wilbur."

"Exactly," Tubbo said, clapping his hands together. "We caught Technoblade, we almost killed him, we've thwarted Dream's plans, but we never managed to stop Wilbur—not once."

"What are you saying, Tubbo?" Puffy's voice slipped into the conversation. Tubbo looked to her as she tilted her head to the side, her swirling eyes urging him to answer her question.

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