𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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The screams that sounded from L'Manberg were like something that Reverie had only ever heard in her darkest nightmares. In a few short moments, months upon months of memories, bloodshed, battles, laughter and history was blown to smithereens, leaving behind nothing but a crater.

Wilbur raised a hand to his forehead, saluting his fallen nation, and Phil hurried forwards as the side of the hill was blown apart, allowing himself, Reverie and Wilbur a clear view of the destruction.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Phil bellowed.

Instead of responding, Wilbur closed his eyes, a gentle expression of tranquility washing over his face, and he let out a sigh of relief. For the first time in months, Wilbur was at peace; he was the Wilbur that he used to be, the Wilbur that Reverie knew.

"It's all gone!" Phil cried.

Reverie dug the tip of her Netherite sword into the ground and she leaned comfortably on the hilt, gazing out at the rubble of her past, the rubble of her pain.

"It's all gone," she echoed with a solemn smile.

"My L'Manberg, Phil. My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished," Wilbur said, then he turned to Reverie and offered her a tender smile, and he squeezed her hand one last time. "Reverie, I'm going to have to ask you to step outside. There's something Phil and I need to discuss."

At once, Reverie's mind reverted to the idea that Wilbur and Phil were going to need to discuss their familial troubles and their estranged father-son relationship, and she understood why Wilbur wanted her to leave. Nodding, she propped herself up on the points of her toes and wrapped her arms around Wilbur, offering him a comforting hug that lingered for many moments.

Rather than leave through the carpeted tunnel and round the hill again, Reverie merely dropped down through the large opening that had been blown in the hillside, landing on one of the ledges of the higher parts of the crater. Carefully, she scoped the ledge, then she pulled herself up onto secure and unbroken land. She had no idea how everyone would react to her calmly strolling back into L'Manberg, but she never got the chance to see, for sudden cries of horror arose.

"Wilbur!" Tommy screamed.

Reverie turned around just in time to see Phil withdraw the diamond blade that he had plunged into Wilbur's chest. Reverie watched, horrified shock crawling through her veins as her best friend slumped to his knees, drew in his final breath, then fell lifeless at his father's feet.

Reverie felt as though she was slowly drifting away. The world around her was getting smaller, darker, and the few things in sight that were not hazy swam in and out of focus. Stumbling due to trembling legs and lightheadedness, Reverie rushed forwards, blood thundering in her ears and a ringing noise rattling her brain, silencing the confused shouts emanating from the various others who had watched Philza kill his son.

It was a struggle to reach the room once more, what with her blurred vision, muffled hearing, trembling frame and the obvious fact that the majority of the landscape of L'Manberg had been reduced to nothing but a gaping hole. At long last, Reverie reached the room where the button had been, and she fell to her knees at Wilbur's side.

Philza had completely vanished, leaving his broken son laying limply in a puddle of his own scarlet blood. Reverie seized Wilbur around the shoulders and rolled him onto his back. When she saw his face, she was sure her heart stopped. His skin was niveous, his cheeks already sunken despite the fact that he had only united with death mere moments before. His lips were slightly parted in the unheard tune of a silent song, and his eyes were closed gently.

Sobs racking her body, Reverie tenderly cupped Wilbur's cold cheeks in her shaking hands. Though she was tempted to desperately search his neck for a pulse, she knew the action would be futile. Wilbur was gone, parting ways with life alongside his fallen nation, his unfinished symphony.

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