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Technoblade said it looked like a prison, what with its substantial towers and winding barracks, and of course the barred windows. If Techno was right in thinking that the building was a prison, then Reverie wasn't sure she wanted to know the reason for which it was built. Merely looking upon the ominous building from afar make goosebumps erupt on her skin.

Although the prison was quite prominent in the moment, Reverie had more pressing issues to worry about. She finally understood exactly what the Blood Vines were.

She could see them in the near distance, large blood red vines, wrapping their way around trunks of trees and crawling up the sides of buildings. A sinister whisper hissed in Reverie's ears, but whether or not this was simply just the whistle of the wind, she could not be sure.

"What the fuck?" Tommy said flatly when his eyes found the Blood Vines.

"Reverie, what are you doing?" Techno asked apprehensively. "Reverie, stop."

Reverie was walking, cautiously but curiously across the stretch of grass towards the nearest band of Blood Vines, which were twisted around a tree and rooted into the ground. A strong grip closed around Reverie's wrist and Techno tried to tug her back but she strongly resisted.

"They're speaking," she murmured, her voice light and airy.

A bubble of anxiety that was building within Technoblade popped.

"Rev, remember what I said about the Egg getting into people's head, mind controlling them?" he pressed severely.

"They're trying to tell me something."

The Blood Vines were only inches away now. Reverie could reach out and brush them with her fingertips if she wanted to. The details of the vines were clear now—dents and dips, scratches of multiple different shades of red. With a trembling hand, Reverie reached out, and when Techno threw his arm out desperately to stop Reverie, she hastily planted her hand down atop of the Blood Vines.

She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it was not for the Blood Vines to burn her hand. Letting out a cry of agony, Reverie tore her hand away and slipped it over to see that her hand was searing as a layer of skin, blistered, flaked and peeled away.

Panting heavily, she looked to Techno, who's eyes were swimming with alarm.

"Did they burn the Polidoris in the legend?" Reverie said exasperatedly, but Techno did not answer. He continued to stare, almost horrified, at the girl before him, and when Reverie looked at Tommy she saw that he too was wearing an expression of petrified shock that was identical to Techno's.

Tommy gulped thickly and forced out, his voice heavy, "Reverie, your—your eyes."

"Huh?" Reverie blundered, stupidly reaching up to touch her eyelid as though the action would not be futile.

"They're violet, Reverie," Techno's voice quivered ever-so-slightly as he spoke.

Reverie furrowed her eyebrows in bewilderment. "And I thought George was the colourblind one," she remarked. "My eyes are blue, idiots, not purple."

Techno, however, shook his head slowly while running a shaking hand through his hair.

"What?" Reverie demanded. She herself was beginning to grow anxious. She wasn't sure what Techno and Tommy were playing at, but she didn't like it.

"Rev, what colour eyes did your mother have?" Techno quizzed.

A small and tender smile split across Reverie's face. "Now that you mention it, she had violet eyes. I always thought they were so pretty, always wished I had them. But I guess they formed some weird blend between purple and Schlatt's brown eyes so Tubbo and me got blue eyes and—why are you still looking at me like I killed someone?"

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