𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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Dream held Reverie's hand until Technoblade started approaching them. At first, he was a mere speck on the horizon, but as he drew nearer, trekking across the fields that surrounded L'Manberg, his sheet of pink hair and blood red cloak became visible. Dream clipped his mask back on and, nodding to each other, he and Reverie descended the slope that they were stood atop of and started walking to meet Techno in the centre of the field.

"They're all gathered on the podium," Techno said, sounding slightly breathless. "Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, Ranboo, Niki, Sapnap—all of them."

"So what exactly is the plan?" Reverie inquired, her focus shifting from Techno to Dream. "You told us we were destroying L'Manberg but you never actually explained how."

Dream outstretched his hand towards L'Manberg, pointing at no point in particular, but at the nation as a whole.

"I've laced explosives everywhere," he elucidated. "And I mean everywhere. The detonator is in the basement of Phil's house. I need you both to cause a distraction while I try and get to it."

Reverie furrowed her eyebrows in bewilderment then proceeded to give Dream a sceptical look.

"How did you get the detonator in there in the first place without getting caught?" she asked.

"Phil did it," Dream said, his answer taking Reverie by surprise. "He helped me plant the explosives too. I could sneak around the outskirts and edges of L'Manberg, but I couldn't risk going too far in."

This made Reverie uneasy. She doubted whether Phil had properly planted the bombs because, at the end of the day, Tommy was his son, and Reverie wasn't sure he had it in him to play a part in the destruction of his son's home. Then she remembered, with a stabbing pain in her chest, that Phil had killed one of his sons. Maybe Wilbur had requested that he do it, but how someone could bring themselves to kill their family...

"Let me do it."

"Rev, are you sure? I mean... he's your dad."

"Give me the bow, Tommy."

Reverie pushed this intrusive memory aside. Schlatt had caused her nothing but pain. Years of feeling lost and worthless all at Schlatt's hands. As she had told her father, he was already dead to her whether or not his heart was still beating.

"Alright, how long do you need?" Reverie asked of Dream.

Dream stared across the field at L'Manberg, his shoulders raising and falling slowly as he breathed steadily.

"Five, ten minutes," he responded with a shrug. "Once I hit the button, we have one minute, two minutes tops to get out of L'Manberg before the whole place blows."

Both Reverie and Technoblade nodded curtly. The clouds overhead had melted together, blocking out the beauty of the blue sky and the light of the sun. A light drizzle had begun to fall, much to Reverie's annoyance, and it was growing heavier with each passing second.

"I guess this is it, then," Reverie said quietly, her eyes dancing between Dream and Techno.

Something about their alliance just seemed right to Reverie. As she looked between Dream and Techno, each of them with their eyes firmly planted on her, she couldn't help but think that this was always how it was meant to be. If there was one trio that could bring about the ultimate destruction of L'Manberg, Reverie knew that it was this one. Perhaps there was a fracture in their trust for one another, but they each had the skill and the determination to blow L'Manberg apart and simultaneously take down its citizens, as long as they worked together.

"I guess so," Dream hummed. His arm twitched as he made to reach for Reverie but, remembering that Techno was there too, he resisted his urge. "Do me a favour and don't die."

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