𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞

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"Is one disc not enough?"

"No, because if you have have one then he'll always have faith that he can just get it back because you're affiliated. If you want nothing to do with Tommy, then have nothing to do with Tommy. He just destroyed the most prized building in the kingdom."

Almost everybody from Tubbo to Sam had gathered within the ruins of the Community House and Dream had captured the attention of each and every one of them with his speech. Reverie, Technoblade and Tommy were still hiding, concealled behind a nearby building, listening to the chaos unfold. With a fire of rage gradually building inside her, Reverie turned to look at Techno.

"Can I go in there and hit him with my sword?" she said.

"I believe the technical term is 'Stab'," Techno answered.

"Tommy destroyed the Community House," Dream went on. "If you don't want to be associated with that, then hand over the disc."

"Alright," Reverie grunted. "That's it."

Marching out from her hiding spot, Reverie unsheathed her golden sword, ducking out of Techno's reach as he frantically tried to grab her back.

The clanging of Reverie's armour quickly caught the attention of everyone that was stood in a circle within the rubble, and Dream visibly tensed when he saw her approaching.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" she reproached loudly, her eyes focused firmly on Dream. "You told me—you said, 'We'll never get free,' but you're the one that won't let us get free."

"What are you doing here?" Dream inquired. "You're not supposed to—"

Reverie had reached the ruins now, and she halted right where the Community House's doorway had once been.

"Tommy didn't destroy the Community House," Reverie stated clearly, ensuring that he words registered with each person in the vicinity. "You might be able to fool everybody else here, but not me, Dream. You'd be willing to do anything to get your hands on Tommy's discs, including blow up the Community House so you could coerce Tubbo into giving up the disc."

A slight rumble of mutters erupted as the others began to quietly discuss this matter amongst themselves, but they were quickly silenced once again when Dream spoke.

"You really think I would destroy the Community House?" he snarled, his voice much more aggressive than Reverie had expected it to be. "This is the most historical building in—"

"Oh, save it," Reverie snapped, evidently taking Dream off guard by her bluntness because he did, in fact, save it and fall silent. Reverie rounded on her brother, whose eyes were dancing with confliction. "He's lying to you, Tubbo. That's what he does—he manipulates people. Don't give him the disc."

"Tubbo, give me the disc," Dream countered firmly.


All heads whipped around to see Tommy hurrying across the path towards the ruined Community House, and a disgruntled-looking Technoblade trailing after him.

"No," Tommy repeated firmly. "Listen, alright? Just listen—"

"What?" Dream said confusedly. "All three of you?"

"Tommy?" several people gasped in unison.

"Guys, Tommy didn't do this," Technoblade had arrived, his sword clutched tightly in his hand. "Listen, I know I'm not the most reliable person to the government, but Tommy wouldn't lie to me. He said he didn't do it, so he didn't do it."

"He lied about burning down George's house!" Dream said exasperatedly.

"He wouldn't lie to me, Dream," Techno emphasised. "He'd lie to you but he wouldn't lie to me."

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