𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬

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Reverie was met with a harsh, blinding light when her eyes fluttered open. Squinting through the brightness, she sat up and her head started to spin.

"Oh, you're awake."

Reverie's vision swam in and out of focus. After blinking a few times, her sight cleared and she could take in her surroundings. She was in the grass outside of Pogtopia and had been laid on a soft area of lawn. A calming fire crackled nearby. Techno was sat underneath a tree, sharpening his sword.

Lifting up the end of her shirt, Reverie saw that a thick wad of blood-stained bandages had been wrapped tightly around her torso. Her head was throbbing and she was struggling to remember how she had gotten herself into this situation.

"What—what happened?" she asked.

"Sapnap stabbed you, he and Dream left you for dead—oh, and I saved your life," Techno responded in casual tones. "You're welcome for that, by the way."

Reverie's chest tightened as her heart swelled with pain.

"Dream—Dream left me?"

Her voice was hollow, dejected, broken, and severely lacking in both hope and life. Technoblade wore an expression that told Reverie he was resisting the strong urge to roll his eyes in exasperation.

"Yep," he said flatly. "Friendly reminder that I carried you home and I patched you up so I would appreciate some gratitude."
A strong pang of guilt struck Reverie. Sure, Technoblade could be a little friendlier and sympathise with Reverie's feelings, but she understood his frustration. After all, had he not just risked himself to save her life despite the fact that he had no reason to do so?

"You're right," Reverie said. "Thank you."

Technoblade merely hummed in response and continued to tend to his sword. The flames of the fire were reflected in the Netherite, dancing across the blade as though the weapon itself were alight.

Reverie gave him a gentle yet saddened smile. "Really, Techno, thank you."

For the first time since Reverie awoke, Techno averted his attention from the blade and focused on her. He stared across at her for a few silent moments before saying, "You're welcome."

Although his tone was monotone, Reverie could tell that he was being sincere. For the first time since they had met, Reverie felt as though she had truly connected with Technoblade on a personal level. It was a simple exchange of seemingly meaningless words, but Reverie was sure that the feeling of warmth that washed down upon her like the gentle trickle of a spring stream had also been felt by Techno.


Reverie held the letter in trembling hands and read it for what must have been the twelfth time, her wide eyes scanning the inked parchment with apprehension.

Tommy, I knew this time would probably come.

For a kingdom that rules with kindness and not with might. No weapons, no armor, just a group of people. Schlatt does not follow these same principles.

Schlatt wants weapons, Schlatt wants power. Schlatt wants to expand out into the lands of my kingdom. Schlatt wants to abolish the walls in order to take more and more land.

Schlatt is no Wilbur.

I don't know if peace can be maintained between our two nations with Schlatt at the helm. Last time I tried to take a stand on behalf of my kingdom I was touted as the villain. This time, I can't involve myself.

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