𝐰𝐞'𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞

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Days bled into weeks, and those weeks into months. Every morning, Reverie woke at sunrise and would step outside, spreading a blanket across the dewy grass and lying down to watch in content as the first slivers of sunlight peeped above the tips of the hills that rose around the valley.

And as ethereal shades of yellow and orange rolled across the ever-lightening sky, Reverie would gaze across at the water on the horizon, a twinkling blur in the light of the rising sun, praying that she would see a boat rocking across the steady morning waves.

Each and every time she found herself to be out of luck.

Today, the door creaked open behind Reverie. Looking around, she saw Bezzie, tail wagging excitedly, skipping across the garden to join her. Reverie beamed as her dog circled her thrice before settling on the blanket, her head resting in Reverie's lap.

"Hi Bezzie," Reverie cooed. "How's my best girl today, huh?"

"And how's mine?"

Her head whipping around once more, Reverie saw Technoblade leaning against the doorframe, a mere silhouette in the shadows of the sunrise. Smiling warmly, Reverie beckoned for Techno to join her on the blanket.

"It's nice to see you smiling again," Techno said as he strolled over, seating himself on the opposite side of Bezzie, shooting the dog a look of distaste.

He had never quite gotten used to the constant barking or smell of wet dog after Bezzie had been out prancing in the rain. She loved splashing around in puddles, which greatly aggravated Reverie because cleaning dried mud out of the dog's crisp white coat was a real struggle.

"I am happy here," Reverie assured Techno. "The valley is even more amazing than I ever imagined."

"That's because I'm here instead of Dream," Techno hummed complacently, earning himself an elbow in the ribs from his friend as they both laughed.

They lazed in a comfortable silence for many minutes, listening to the distant chirping of birds and quiet rumble of noise from the village as its inhabitants began to wake.

"You know who I haven't seen in awhile?" Techno broke the silence with a casual conversation starter.

Reverie looked at him, smiling in a joking manner. "Anyone," she answered, making Techno chuckle as he shook his head.

"Ghostbur," Techno said, his conversational tone of voice causing Reverie's chest to clench painfully as unexpected tears sprang to her eyes. "He hasn't been around, have you noticed?"

The quivering of Reverie's bottom lip went unnoticed by Techno. She drew in a rattling breath as an effort to stifle the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes.

"Yeah, it's—it's weird," she responded shortly out of fear that her voice would break if she tried to speak too much.

"You know, he was always different around you," Techno hummed thoughtfully. "Ghostbur, I mean."

For the briefest of moments, Reverie's eyes diverted from the sunrise to look at Techno. A strange, rumbling feeling was building in her stomach, and it definitely was not because she was hungry.

"What do you mean?" she questioned cautiously.

Techno sucked in a harsh breath and he pondered how to best phrase his statement. A hand ran through his hair, dishevelling the silky pink locks.

"With me, he's always just Ghostbur," Techno began slowly. Reverie took immediate notice to the fact that he kept his gaze firmly fixed on the grass beneath him as he idly plucked green blades from the soil. "But with you he's—he's still Wilbur."

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