𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦

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Tommy was okay. Wilbur cleaned his wound and patched it up tightly, but Tommy was weak from his blood loss. Wilbur allowed him to lean his head on his shoulder and, after some time, Tommy drifted off into a slumber beneath the stars.

Tubbo huddled close to Reverie's side, seeking warmth and comfort. On the opposite bank, Dream and his friends had started a fire and were roaring with elated laughter. Reverie's blood was as cold as the night.

What was going to happen next, she could not predict. Incarceration would be a light punishment for starting or partaking in a revolution, but surely Dream wouldn't have them executed. She felt guilty and selfish for thinking it, but Reverie knew that no matter what happened to Wilbur, Tubbo, Tommy and Fundy, Dream was going to let her down much easier.

After some time, Fundy fell asleep. Tubbo's head lolled to the side and slumped against Reverie's shoulder. His small snores sounded into the night and Reverie smiled fondly down at him. As Tubbo slept, she tried to stay as still as possible so not to disturb him. In the space of only a few hours, he had been betrayed by a friend, watched his country blow up and almost witnessed the death of his best friend. He definitely deserved some time to rest peacefully.

Reverie and Wilbur remained awake deep into the night. They gazed at the canopy of stars above, idly listening to the dying chatter of the men across the water. One by one, they fell asleep too, and George stayed awake to take first watch incase Wilbur and Reverie tried to pull anything or attack.

Reverie knew that fighting was futile, and she could tell that Wilbur knew this too. They had lost, it was over. Now all they could worry about was what would become of them when the sun rose in the distance over the hilltops and rolled across the fields to signify the dawn of a new day.

Tommy grunted and stirred in his sleep, but still, he continued to sleep soundly.

"He's lucky to have you," Reverie smiled at Wilbur.

In the gentle light of the twinkling stars, the pink tinge on Wilbur's cheeks was just about visible. This only made Reverie's smile widen as a sudden warmth blossomed within her.

Wilbur jerked his head towards the sleeping Tubbo. "And he's lucky to have you."

Smiling fondly at her younger brother, Reverie gently raked her fingers through his hair. His lips curved and he smiled into his sleep.

"No," Reverie said. "No, I'm lucky to have him. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"Tommy does like you, you know," Wilbur told Reverie. His voice was as quiet and gentle as the distant chirping of crickets. Reverie could feel her eyelids growing heavy as Wilbur's soft tones threatened to lull her to sleep. "He pretends that he doesn't, but I know he does."

"After today, I'd say that he's an alright guy, I guess," Reverie smirked. Wilbur chuckled and, as they sat there, shivering beneath the night sky, all of the pent up fear and foreboding that Reverie had been feeling since dawn trickled away. Maybe L'Manberg was gone, but hope was not. At the end of the day, Reverie still had Tubbo and Wilbur, and she was going to get Dream back. She was still determined to save him from himself.

"We're going to be okay, Will," Reverie told him softly.

Wilbur looked at her and his eyes filled with tears. The stars reflected in his dark brown orbs and, somehow, Reverie felt even more at ease. She could feel herself sinking peacefully into the earth beneath her.

"You think so?" Wilbur asked.

The corners of Reverie's lips twitched. "I do."

Try as she might to stifle it, the urge to yawn overwhelmed Reverie. Wilbur smiled at her, and that's when she saw it. When Wilbur looked at Reverie, his eyes swam with the same emotion that they displayed when he looked at Tommy: familial love. Poor Wilbur just could not seem to escape the older brother trope, but Reverie wasn't sure he wanted to. He was fiercely protective of those he cared about, and Reverie realised in that moment that she was one of the people that he would jump in front of a flying arrow for.

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