𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐫

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Reverie returned to the castle to stay with Dream that night. Slipping through the hallways without being spied by George or Sapnap was always a difficult and dangerous task, but still, after over a year, they had never caught Reverie.

As Reverie slept soundly in Dream's canopy bed, the soft moonlight shining down on her through the open drapes, Dream sat awake at his desk, drafting a Declaration of War.

When Reverie awoke to the gentle rustling of leaves in the morning breeze, she found herself alone in a deserted bed. Frowning, she sat up, rubbed her eyes and stared around the room. Dream wasn't there, which Reverie found to be odd. She had become so accustomed to waking up in his arms to a gentle, 'Good Morning,' that any other occurrence of events seemed alien to her.

Yawning loudly, Reverie heaved herself out of bed and dressed herself in her clothes from the day before. The sun was already quite high in the sky and the castle grounds were swimming in its light, so Reverie knew she would have to leave very soon to avoid still being around when George and Sapnap awoke. She decided she would try and find Dream to say goodbye before she left.

It did not take long for Reverie to find her boyfriend. He was sat at the kitchen table (the castle's dining room was much too large and extravagant for a casual breakfast) and he was accompanied by—Reverie's stomach dropped—George and Sapnap.

"Morning, Reverie," George said absently, paying little to no mind to the girl's arrival. Sapnap, however, squinted at Reverie and gave her a scrutinising look.

"Reverie?" he said. "What are you doing here?"

Reverie's heart skipped a beat. She looked helplessly to Dream, her blue eyes silently begging him to help her, and he jumped in straight away.

"Wilbur sent you, did he?" Dream asked in a business-like manner. Reverie blinked very slowly at him. "He told me he'd be sending an escort."

"An escort?" George questioned, bewildered.

Dream's gloved hand rose from his lap and rested on a thin leather-bound book that was sat atop of the wooden table. When they saw the book, George and Sapnap simultaneously paled, then amused grins crept onto their faces. Reverie could feel her blood growing colder by the second. She hadn't the faintest idea what was happening, but her gut told her nothing good was coming. A storm was brewing.

Some minutes later, Reverie found herself escorting Dream, George and Sapnap to L'Manberg for reasons unknown. They trekked across sunbaked fields and wooden pathways until and wound through a dense forest of trees until, in a surprisingly short amount of time, they arrived at L'Manberg.

The walls had been completed; they stretched tens of feet into the air, towering high above Reverie in a way that she found to be quite menacing. Unconsciously, she stepped closer to Dream's side with no regards for the fact that George and Sapnap were stood right behind them.

"You two should wait out here," Dream told his friends as he clipped on his ceramic mask. Only those closest to him were lucky enough to see him without his mask on. "Rev, you might want to come with me."

Reverie was not fond of the undertones of wickedness that were concealled in the smooth pretense of Dream's voice. As soon as the pair took one step through the gates of L'Manberg, the door of the Camarvan flew open and Wilbur strode out, followed closely by Tubbo, Tommy and a new addition of Eret. Each of them adorned a dark blue revolutionary uniform and, at the sight of it, Dream tensed and Reverie heard his breath hitch in what she assumed to be anger.

Wilbur was holding a scroll, bound with a deep blue ribbon. He slipped the ribbon off and pocketed it, then unrolled the scroll. Dream tilted his head and listened attentively as Wilbur began to read, his voice echoing through the trees and wrapping itself into the winds.

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