𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐞

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Wilbur, Tommy and Technoblade were waiting for Reverie on the outskirts of the forest when she returned from her mission to visit Tubbo and Dream. She ran right into Tommy, having not seen him in the darkness, and the boy was knocked to the ground as he swore angrily.

"Woah, woah, Rev, calm down," Wilbur said, taking Reverie by the shoulders and steadying her. But Reverie was frantically shaking her head and she choked out words through desperate gasps for air.

"Gotta go—Dream—right behind—gotta go—"

Technoblade unsheathed his Netherite sword and turned to face the kingdom as though he were ready to single-handedly take down everyone within it were they to follow them into the woods.

"What, he followed you?" Wilbur asked fearfully, throwing anxious glances over his shoulder. Reverie continued to shake her head.

"Don't know—maybe—gotta go—"

"I—wait, Reverie," Wilbur's grip on Reverie's shoulders suddenly tightened like metal clamps, holding her firmly in place, and his pupils dilated with concern. "Reverie, what happened to your neck?"

In her state of panic, Reverie had not yet noticed that Dream's sword had in fact cut into her skin. The slit wasn't deep—it definitely would not cause any fatal damage, but it was long, spanning across the entire width of Reverie's throat and oozing droplets of scarlet blood.

Reverie raised a shaky hand to her throat and wiped the blood away, a nauseated feeling overcoming her when her fingers came in contact with the warm bodily fluid.

Tommy had since heaved himself back to his feet and massaged his wrist, which he had evidently landed on, while examining Reverie's cut throat from a distance with concern written all over his face.

"I see someone," Technoblade announced suddenly. "They're coming down the hills. We have to move. Now."

His worried eyes sweeping over Reverie once more, Wilbur seized her hand and grabbed Tommy by the wrist, and together they ran through the darkness of the trees. They tripped and stumbled many a times, but with the support of one another and Technoblade running behind them, constantly yelling for them to keep up their pace, the group eventually arrived safely back at Pogtopia. Only when they had descended the wooden steps and were inside the ravine did they dare sit down to rest, each and every one of them heaving for breath and clutching stitches in their sides.

Technoblade's sword hit the ground with a clatter and he collapsed in a heap against the wall, sighing heavily. He brushed his tangled pink locks out of his eyes and grumbled, "Well I hope that was all worth it. You better have some good information to share, Reverie."

"Shut up, Technoblade," Wilbur warned. He had thrown open a crate and hastily rummaged through it, extracting some bottles of water and tissues. Once he had what he needed, he crouched down in front of Reverie, who was sat against the opposite wall from Technoblade, and got to work on cleaning the cut on her throat.

Reverie winced in discomfort as the cold water stung her open wound.

"I'm fine, Will, really," she insisted. "It's nothing."

"What did he do to you?" Wilbur growled. Reverie realised, with a stab of panic in her chest, that she had never seen Wilbur this enraged. Not when Dream declared war on L'Manberg, not when Eret betrayed him in the Final Control Room, not even when he and Tommy had been banished from their own nation. Wilbur's deep brown eyes burned with the fury of a thousand forest fires, consuming all reason, all goodness.

Without regarding the fact that Technoblade and Tommy were there to listen to every word that Reverie uttered, she broke into story, explaining everything that had happened and all the words that she and Dream shared after she climbed through the window of his castle. Reverie didn't even realise that she was crying until Wilbur swiped his thumb across her cheek to wipe her tears away.

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