𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

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execution via hanging !

The journey was short, as Reverie expected, but that did not make it any less terrifying

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The journey was short, as Reverie expected, but that did not make it any less terrifying. As she hurried across the bridge of stone and obsidian, sweat glued her hair to her forehead, and all she could think about was the sea of lava that was rolled out some hundred feet below her.

The Ghast that loomed in the distance also put Reverie on edge, but it thankfully had not yet noticed her presence. She only hoped that it would stay that way. Up ahead, the Community Portal glowed, and Reverie had never been so relieved to see a Nether portal in her life.

Although the bridge was wide and safe to run across, there were no railings, so if Reverie slipped and lost her footing she could very easily tumble over the side. When she finally reached the somewhat safe platform on which the Community Portal was stationed, Reverie let out a sigh of relief; but it was not time to celebrate yet. Despite the fact that her head ached from the heat of the Nether and her lungs burned, and despite the fact that her legs screamed for mercy, Reverie could not rest yet. She had an idiot to save.

It was a marginally refreshing feeling, stepping out of the Nether portal, Dream's kingdom unfolding before her. Cool air rippled in her face, blowing away her sweat, and her panicked breathing began to still. The blue sky was peppered with grey clouds, threatening a snowfall, but it rarely ever snowed within the kingdom. In fact, Reverie could only recall three white Christmases in all her years.

The Community House stood proudly before Reverie in the centre of the lake, and she felt her heart clench painfully as the nostalgia engulfed her. She had made so many fond memories within the walls of that building, and now the people that she had made those memories with were no longer part of her life and she was not welcome inside the kingdom's walls—or the walls of L'Manberg, the only other place that could have ever been a real home for her.

With her flaring gold sword held tightly in her hand, Reverie tore across the fields, completely disregarding the agony and exhaustion that every inch of her body was being exposed to. By a stroke of luck, Techno might still be alive, and she had to get to him before it was too late.

L'Manberg gradually came into view. It had been improved greatly since the last time Reverie had visited (or lumbered in the shadows of the forest and viewed the country from afar).

Reverie's stomach twisted into horrible knots when she saw the gallows. The noose was already tied around Techno's neck and, though the only thing separating him from death was the lever that was yet to be pulled, Techno appeared to be completely calm and made no efforts to free himself. Perhaps he knew that any attempts to escape would be futile, as he was outnumbered four-to-one and had no weapons or armour.

Tubbo stood next to Technoblade on the gallows, giving some speech about how Techno had destroyed the peace of L'Manberg and caused chaos, which Reverie thought was ridiculous because L'Manberg was a nation that was born on blood and violence, with independence gained through Revolution and Rebellion. Not to mention the fact that, despite the fact he had sworn off violence and settled into retirement, Tubbo and the Butcher Army still hunted Techno down, and now they were going to kill him in a public execution.

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