𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲?

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Reverie stared desolately out the window, watching the flurry of snow fall to the earth, anxiously awaiting the moment that Techno would appear from the shadows of the woods.

"We never should've let him go," Reverie mumbled.

She could practically hear Tommy roll his eyes as he exasperatedly drawled, "He's literally The Blade, he'll be fine."

"Okay, yes, he's a great fighter, but there's an entire nation out for his blood," Reverie argued. She was in hysterics, and she had been ever since Techno stepped outside into the snow that morning. "And we just let him go into that nation alone."

"He'll be fine," Tommy further insisted. He stepped up to Reverie's side at the window and peered out. "See? Here he comes now."

Sure enough, from the darkness that was wedged between the tree trunks, Technoblade emerged, his brilliant armour clearly visible against the snow. However, what Reverie believed to be the singular figure of Technoblade split into two. Techno had brought someone back with him from L'Manberg and, upon squinting her eyes to get a better view, Reverie could identify exactly who it was.

Though his wings were folded in, they were very hard to miss, and even without the wings Reverie would have recognised him by the striped hat that sat atop of his blonde hair. With a sudden burst of white-hot anger surging through her veins, Reverie abandoned all senses of composure and, throwing open the cabin door, she marched into the snow. Her vision was clouded by a red haze, and they only thing she could focus on was Phil.

"You—" she began, her words seething with rage. Though she had left her sword behind in the cabin, with enough determination, her fists could become just as deadly as her blade. However, as she drew back her fist to strike Phil, Techno seized her around the arms, strongly restraining her.

"Rev, Rev, calm down," Techno urged. Though she thrashed and struggled, Techno's grip on Reverie was unwavering and far too strong for her to break free. The unbothered expression displayed on Phil's face was only further goading her.

"Calm down?" Reverie repeated shrilly. "He killed Wilbur, Techno! He killed him—we all saw it!"

"It wasn't like that," Phil stated calmly, though he laced his voice with undertones of assurance.

Reverie let out a shout of high-pitch laughter that was colder than the crisp air that was enveloping the trio as they stood, ankle-deep, in the sea of snow.

"Oh, so you just slipped and accidently stabbed him in the chest?" she said mockingly. "'Whoops, I stabbed my son! How silly of me!'."

Phil held his hands up to call for peace and as an effort to wave Reverie down, but her boiling fury was headstrong and was not going to subside any time soon.

"Wilbur asked me to kill him," Phil told her, and just these few simple words were enough to flip Reverie's mood entirely.

She felt herself rapidly fall through a tunnel of mingled emotions, but the most apparent of them all were anguish and, immediately after, denial.

Tears bubbled up inside her eyes, blurring her vision one again and turning the man that stood before her into a watery figure.

Shaking her head while blinking away her tears, Reverie frantically muttered, "No, no, he wouldn't—you're lying. Why would he—? Wilbur wouldn't—"

"It's the truth, Rev," Techno said gently, his voice weighed down by its own undertones of sorrow. "The L'Manbergians would never stop hunting him after he pressed the button. He thought it was better to die of his own accord, in the way he wanted, at the hands of someone he trusted."

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