𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫

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"Rev?" Tubbo gasped.

Reverie's heart was beating wildly.

"Tubbo," she breathed.

"Oh, good," Dream chimed in. "You're here."

"You're bleeding," Tommy stated the obvious, nodding towards Reverie. "Like, a lot."

She smiled sarcastically. "Thanks, I had no idea."

The colour had been gradually draining from Tubbo's face ever since he emerged from the portal, and now he was of a ghostly pale complexion. He swayed slightly on the spot, his wide eyes staring in horror at his sister, the left side of her face split open.

Reverie found that her heartbeat was not going to slow down anytime soon. She was too overwhelmed with shock, and the pulsing pain in her face where Dream had cut her was not helping her in the slightest.

"What's going on?" she demanded of Dream. "What are they doing here?"

"Scratch that," Tommy interjected. "What are you doing here, Reverie? And where the hell is your face gone?"

"He kidnapped me and then cut my face open," Reverie elucidated simply and Tommy gave a shrug of casual understanding. Tubbo, however, went slightly green in the face, particularly around his mouth.

"I didn't kidnap you," Dream opposed. "You came with me willingly."

Reverie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mr Manipulation. Now tell me why my brother is here."

"We came for the discs," Tommy answered instead of Dream. "He left Tubbo and me a message telling us to meet him here. He gave us this compass so we could find our way."

Reaching into the pocket of his jeans, Tommy extracted a small compass and held it out in the palm of his hand. Confusion riddling her brain, Reverie frowned to express her bewilderment.

"But compasses don't work in the Nether," she said, though her statement sounded considerably like a question.

Dream chuckled gently from his position on the floor. "We didn't think ghosts were real until your pal Ghostbur showed up. You have no idea what's possible, Rev."

"Where are the discs?" Tommy jumped to the point, his hand drifting towards the sword that was strapped to his waist.

"They're right there," Dream said. He pointed towards the Nether portal, on each side of which there stood a small table, and on either of the tables, a music disc was positioned.

Immediately, Tommy's eyes lit up with wonder and he surged forward, but he was hastily halted by Dream's next words.

"You can take the discs if you want to," he said, the undertones of maliciousness laced through his voice causing a shiver to run down Reverie's spine. "I wouldn't do it if I were you because then Tubbo would die, but—"

"I'm not going to let that happen," Reverie gritted.

A wicked smile curled Dream's lips. "That nausea potion I slipped you while you were asleep should start doing its job in five, four—"

Dream did not make it to three before Reverie both felt and saw the world begin to spin all around her. She stumbled backwards and, although Tubbo and Tommy hurried forwards to catch her and stifle her fall, her collision with the blackstone floor was still very harsh.

Whatever Dream, Tubbo and Tommy discussed next, Reverie did not catch a single word of it. As her vision swirled sickeningly, her other senses became muddled too. Sounds rang in her ears as muffled hums, almost as though she had been plunged under water. More than once, she attempted to push herself to her feet, but each time her disorientation caused to her lose her balance again.

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