𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧?

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Reverie spent the next few days gathering resources with Wilbur. She preferred venturing through the forests in search for food, but occasionally Wilbur would insist that she went mining with him.

Reverie didn't like caves. There were too many Creepers.

Tommy had sectioned off a small area of cave in the side of the ravine for Technoblade to train himself, Reverie and Wilbur in combat, but Reverie avoided training at all costs. Something about Technoblade made her uneasy, and it wasn't just the countless stories she had heard from Dream about Technoblade being dangerous, it was also the way he carried himself with regal elegance despite the fact that he radiated senses of power and foreboding. Reverie didn't know when he would turn around and strike.

One day, Reverie managed to wriggle her way out of going mining with Wilbur. He told her not to worry if he was gone for a long time because he was going to collect as many diamonds as he could. Reverie went up to the surface and stepped outside, relishing in the feeling of the warm sunlight on her skin.

Nearby, a fire crackled, electing puffs of smoke into the clear blue sky. Tommy was sat cross-legged on the grass, cooking steak over the flames. At the sound of padded footsteps, he looked up.

"What's up?" he said nonchalantly.

Reverie sat across from Tommy and, almost instantly, the heat of the fire overwhelmed her. She tugged at the collar of her hoodie.

"Just bored," Reverie shrugged. "Need some help with dinner?"

Picking up a stick, Reverie skewered a piece of beef and she too cooked it over the log fire. She and Tommy sat in comfortable silence for many minutes, listening to the sound of the crackling flames and the merry birds singing in the trees. When Reverie spoke, her grave tone of voice did not match the atmosphere one bit.

"He took down L'Manberg's walls, you know? And changed the name to Manberg."

The colour faded from Tommy's face at an alarmingly fast rate. He gulped harshly.

"I know," he croaked. "Wilbur and I watched."

Reverie's heart sank. It pained her to imagine Wilbur watching from a distance as Tubbo and Fundy chipped away at L'Manberg's sacred walls, completely helpless and powerless to intervene. She thought of Wilbur alone in the eerie caves, glancing over his shoulder every few minutes to ensure that no monsters were creeping up on him, with nothing but his own despairing thoughts for comfort. A surge of guilt washed over her and she shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

The rickety door to Pogtopia creaked open. Reverie and Tommy looked around to see Technoblade emerge from the hillside. He was fixing the sleeves of his ruffled shirt and glanced around before his piercing eyes found the pair that were sat by the fire.

"Ah, there you are," he hummed. "Tommy, Wilbur wants to see you."

"Why?" Tommy said flatly.

Technoblade shrugged. "He wouldn't tell me. Probably wants to talk about why you can't trust me."

Tommy sighed. "Techno—"

"You don't wanna keep the guy waiting, do you?" Techno cut across Tommy, his monotone voice causing a feeling of mild uneasiness to settle in Reverie's stomach. With another heavy sigh, Tommy pushed himself to his feet, wiped his hands in his stained trousers and then ducked back inside Pogtopia.

Reverie had not yet been alone with Technoblade, and the tense silence was deafening. She kept her gaze firmly fixed on the steadily browning steak before her, ignoring the fact that her heart was beating in her throat.

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