watch out!

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Lily pov

Tired wasn't the word to say when I came home, exhausted was the more describing word but i had to study a little bit and do some homework they gave us in class, but then my sister burster I  my room while I was doing my math homework  "hey mom and dad are on call" she screamed. Shi- I mean shoot I forgot about them what a bad daughter I am. I rushed to my sister's phone and we sat on my bed (if u don't remember how her room looks like go to the first chapt)  " hey mom hi dad " I said "hi my little babies how is life in China? " mom asked  "it's good and guess what ?" my sister said  " ( ̄ヘ ̄)ᵁᴹᴹ u guys found a stray puppy and adopted it "my dad said in a silly way " Yah Appa it's not like that " I said laughing "haha sorry dear but tell me what happened? " My dad said "well first we saw Boystory at the airport and we got to see them close we even took photos" My sister said with excitement in her voice  "ooh guess u guys are lucky "

 "And that's not all " She said smirking   (°o°:)ᴼʰᴺᵒ  this isn't good I gave her a don't u dare look but it was too late she continued " We were waiting for our driver to come when I don't know how on earth eonnie forgot her phone and one of the Boystory members gave it to her and it was her bias " She exclaimed ugh this girl "oh well u know how ur sister is such a daydreamer no wonder she almost lost it" My dad said "and by one of the members since it's her bias I guess it's Xinlong right? " My mom asked in a teasing tone "yes but eomma it's just a phone it's not like i got his phone number or something" I Say blushing "yes but who knows u might meet him again" she replied "Oh and I also wanted to tell you that" May said "What is honey" My parents asked my sister  " Boystory is also going in the same school as us and one of them is in my class and it's shuyang " She said excited " Yup and me too and it's Xinlong" "What a coincidence" Says my dad and we agreed. We chatted for a little and they left the call after because of some work they had to do for their company . I told the maids not to cook tonight since I wanted to do it myself so I cooked with my sister and we ate then did the our homework, after that exhausting period I did my nigh routine and went to sleep.

Next day*insert SpongeBob robot voice*

I woke up and walked to my sister's room to see her still sleeping she looked so adorable like a little baby I wanted to let her sleep a bit but I had to wake her up so we don't get late for school she whined but still got up to do her morning routine and dress up and I went to do breakfast since the maids weren't there yet or more like I told them to take a break lol, after eating we got  dressed up for school



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i styled my hair in a ponytail and went to my sister, and we got to school to meet my new friends

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i styled my hair in a ponytail and went to my sister, and we got to school to meet my new friends. This school isn't that bad after all . Me and my sister went to our new friends, and we all started chit chatting until we heard screaming again we looked to the direction of the screams to see Boystory crowded by girls we all started giggling at how weird these girls were for screaming stuff like "zeyu marry me" Or "shuyang let's date I love you" We were all laughing our butts off until "EVERYBODY SILENCE" We all looked jungshook at the person screaming and it was Xinlong he's stare was as cold as ice and the whole hallway went into total silence they started walking and everybody was clearing the way for them they all looked scared my friends and my sister moved on the side as I just looked at them debating whether i should move or stay because my body wouldn't budge 

until Raepark pulls me along with her I looked at her thankfully and then the bell ringed. We all parted our ways to class me and Raepark Unnie to our class together as we arrived I sat beside Xinlong and Raepark Unnie. My seat is near the window wich gives a pretty view of the school this school is very pretty it almost looks like a university I was admiring the pretty view when someone interrupted "umm excuse me can u get out of here that's that's my seat " She glared at me "o-oh sorry I didn't knew " I said packing my stuff and the teacher came in " Oh miss chen welcome back I didn't knew u would come " The teacher said "and I changed ur place with Lily so ur new seat is beside Minghao " he said pointing at the boy I was sitting beside yesterday before exchanging place.

he looked pretty cute though. " But I wanna be beside longlong " She said in an annoying tone " I'm sorry miss chen but u'll have too " The teacher said,  she glared at me and mumbled " Ur gonna regret sitting beside my longlong "  Then she walked away (lol Xinlong is so silent during that argument)  then the teacher started the lesson during the lesson wich I kinda zoned out until  the teacher brings me back to reality "Lily are u listening to what I'm saying? "  he asked  " Oh um n-no sorry I didn't heard it " I say looking down on my book I heard the teacher chuckle "cute, it's okay but next time listen okay? " I nod and the lesson started again. 

* skip to lunch* 

the class finally finished time to go meet my sister and Raepark unnie's friends I packed my stuff to in my locker and went to Rae unnie (this is gonna be her nickname since Raepark is a bit long hehe) as I approached  Ihad lots of questions and decided to ask her  "umm Rae Unnie I have a question" I said " Sure what is it, child? " she said enthusiastically  " Who is that girl who was glaring at me in class? " I asked 

" Oh that girl her name is Chen Yuxi she is the richest girl in this school also very popular u should avoid her " she replied  " Ohh interesting " I say " Yep and I forgot to tell u they are people u should really avoid in this school " she says  " Really!? Who? " " First u should avoid Xinlong and he's group Boystory they are very popular, well not  all the members of Boystory but mostly Xinlong  cuz he's the school bad boy and also rumored to be very very cold people think he's mean and try to avoid him as much as they can, and then there is Yuxi the girl I just said who glared at you just like i said she a very spoiled brat and she likes Xinlong they have known each other since childhood and she always tries to get Xinlong's heart and nobody has ever seen him happy maybe he smiles but never laughs, Yuxi has a group of friends that are always with her u should avoid them too " she added "Wow that's a lot of information" I say " Yeah but it's safe for u to know that so u won't be in trouble especially not with the bad boy " She says " Yup neither with a spoiled brat " I say we started laughing and chatting until "Lily be care-" Before she could finish her sentence I bumped  into someone by accident " Watch were ur going will u? " The person says coldly " Ahh I'm very sorry I didn't mean to " I say looking up to my surprise "you again!?" 


Yup decided to change some names and to leave it on cliff hanger hehe sorry for my slow updates I promise I'll try updating more in the future and please don't forget to comment something u like or vote hehe 😅 now I'mma get some sleep cuz its 1am in my country ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)ᵇʸᵉ hope u enjoy my chapter 😊❤❤

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