a special day (for xinlong's birthday re-uploaded)

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author pov 

"because she did nothing wrong, so stop messing around with her and acting like you're in a c-drama" Raepark said scolding him as the boy looked at her blankly   "pfft yeah whatever " he rolled his eyes "bye shy girl" he said smirking teasingly at the girl  who was still blushing from what happened, and made his way to somewhere. "did he hurt you? oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't interrupt earlier" she said looking worried  "I'm okay Unnie don't worry," she said as the older hugged her, they continued talking until they reached the cafeteria and the girls were all chatting excitingly as lily and Raepark we're approaching them they all had smiles on there faces "what is so exciting to talk about girls?" Raepark asks as she looks at them curious " you totally forgot what is special today Unnie" Wei lei pouts at Raepark and suddenly Lily's remembers "omg your right today is Xinlong's birthday !!!" she said it so loud and excited that it caused the whole cafeteria to look at her even Boystory.

Lily pov 

when Wei lei told me about today I remembered immediately what was special today, of course Xinglong is my bias why would i forget his birthday hehe, I was so excited I stood up and said excitedly that today was his birthday which earned a chuckle from the girls and also attention from all the cafeteria and to not forget Boystory and Xinlong staring at me chuckling and smirking I seat back embarrassed from what happened  and soon after the cafeteria goes back to normal and we all started eating and talking again laughing at what happened earlier . 

Skip to after lunch  

I and Raepark were preparing for our next class when I saw the cute guy name Minghao 

this is how he looks like for people who don't know him haha 

he waved at me and so did I, he came to me and he smile "hi I'm Minghao what about you" he says trying to start a convo "oh hi I'm Lily I already know you haha we're classmates but nice to meet you too" I replied all in one breath feeling surprise...

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he waved at me and so did I, he came to me and he smile "hi I'm Minghao what about you" he says trying to start a convo "oh hi I'm Lily I already know you haha we're classmates but nice to meet you too" I replied all in one breath feeling surprised by his sudden conversation and squealing internally at how cute he is, he just chuckled "you don't have to be so tensed it's okay i won't eat you" he said, it made me laugh awkwardly laugh " oh I am?" I ask, and try to relax a bit, at least he didn't do like Xinlong, as we were talking I noticed someone staring at us as I looked I saw Xinlong not far away from us, he didn't look happy at all he had this cold look that makes you freeze and a glare that could kill you, (adding the handsomeness i would dig my own grave ) 

but mostly he was glaring at Minghao who was talking happily to me. we exchanged phone with Minghao and he said he would text me and went to his locker down the hall just like that I made a new friend again plus a boy but i also made enemies but i didn't really think of Yuxi as an enemy i think as long as I stay away from her and avoid her way I'll be fine. I went to Raepark's locker and we went to class but as we went we saw students making a circle around something we curiously run to see what was happening and we see two boys fighting and to my horror those two boys were...

hello this is author Lily I'm still alive and yeah here is my next chapter, at this I don't even know what I'm writing anymore -_- this book is a drama after dramas lol but yeah I hope you enjoy reading this book and this chapter was published on march 11th of Xinlong birthday but republished 

fun fact I published this book with the character having the name Lily not knowing later I would adopt it as my nickname lmao XXD

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BIAS LONGLONG man i can't believe he's 16 years old now he's three years older than me  damn it i feel tiny. lol bye :D

 lol bye :D

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