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Lily pov

"Omg Long long" i said as he opened my eyes , i looked at him as he smiled at me "what are you doing here?" i asked "i should be the one asking you that" he replied "i'm playing with May, what about?" i asked "I wanted to talk to you about... something" he said scratching his neck "about what?" i asked confused "I-I love you" he confessed making me fall silent "i-it's okay if you don't like me i-" i cut him "no, no it's okay. I- i love you too long long" i replied back deeply blushing "can i court you then?" he asked softly "ofc but-" i replied " it's okay even if it takes a 100 years i'll wait for you" he cut me off by responding as he hugged me , i hugged back "don't worry i won't make yu wait that long" i chuckled "i know you won't princess" he winked at me "y-yah stop flirting" i said hiding my red face in his chest as he laughed "cute" he whispered as we heard tiny giggles, whisperings, and hushings "yah whose there?" i asked as i saw people pop out of nowhere "SUPRISE!!" they said making me yelp hugging Xinlong again scared "sorry for the jumpscare" a familiar voice said, i looked to see the rest of Boystory with my besties and May "wait i thought you guys were..." i said confused "well not really eh" Sooyeon smiled suggly as i looked at Xinlong "you guys were in it too?' i asked "they helped me with the confession" Xinlong said and they nodded smiling "now it makes sense" i said laughing as they joined me

*later during the hang-out*

"Hey, Lily do you know that the dance competition is soon?" Raepark reminded me making me widen my eyes in realizing it "what when?' i asked "next month" she said "we have to rehearse and practice a lot this month " I say "ofc we will" she replied licking her ice cream


sorry for short chapter I'm gonna make an exciting better one soon love ya'll 

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now