Raepark and Lily's secret

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Raepak pov

She looked at me and smiled "sure" i consired saying but i decided to tell her since she was my friend "do you know park jimin from Bts?" I asked her and she noded "park jimin from Bts yup i know him what about him?" she said confused "well his my brother" i said and waited for her reaction she looked at me suprised "really!?" she said. And i nodded, she looked excited "me too our brother is jeon jungkook" she giggled and it was my turn look suprised "for real!?" i said "yup and I also do dance covers" she said "wait now I know why  reconize you and your sister Xinlong and Shuyang like to watch ya'll all the time" I say "really?" she said with blushing  "wait i thought it was only xinlong" she says "nope most of the boys do but the ones who are literately obsessed with it are shuyang and xinlong" I replied.

Lily pov 

she laughed and I did too then she stopped and looked at me "wait Lily your blushing" she said an I gasped touching my cheeks she looked at me suspiciously "do you perhaps have a crush on Xinlong?" she said wiggling her eye brows it made me more redder than a tomato "n-nope i don't, aren't you the one who told me to stay away? " I said with a goddamn stuttering ndjdnd i need to stop stuttering makes me cringe i mentally face-palmed myself (damn idk if i should make her shy or not lmao) she smirked -_- "yes u do your face it gives it away " she teased me until the teacher came back and told us it was finished, and I went home it was pretty dark outside so Rae unnie's mom dropped me off at home "don't forget our sleepover tomorrow" she said as I nodded smiling and she  went with away her mom. 

I arrived and May was on her phone probably texting someone "did u eat something yeodongsaeng ? (little sister)I asked, she looked up from her phone and at me "yup i cooked the food" she said proudly "wow your all grown up now "I replied,  she giggled "and i kept some for you" she said smiling "that's good i'll go change and eat it " I said "okay and also dad said that there would be maids coming here because the house is to big for us alone " i nodded and she went back to her phone as i changed and came downstairs May was still on her phone smiling like a crazy woman and squealing a tiny bit which got me curious and  i decided to sneak up behind her and scare her ,as i approached i see someone named "yangie" with a shiny heart beside "isn't that shuyang?" i say scaring the living daylight out of her. 

She immediately jumps and hide her phone "no it's not" she says defending herself I just pout at her "aww you have a crush now" I say teasingly "it's not like you don't" she said defending herself once again "yeah yeah whatever i'm going to eat" I say defeated, and going to the kitchen after i finish eating my beloved sister's meal which was delicious I went to check up on her "hey it's bed time let's go sleep" i said closing the TV "but I don't wanna sleep" she whined "sure then see you tomorrow  you won't go to our sleepover" I said walking upstairs "and you can look like an ugly  zombie in front of Shuyang too, don't think he would like that" as soon as i said Shuyang she got up, running upstairs catching up to me "nevermind, I changed my mind goodnight sis" she kissed my cheek and went to sleep I chuckled at her reaction and went in my room, did my night routine and went to sleep. 

*middle of the night*

I was in the middle of a forest when something scary happened. 


publishing stories at 1 and 2 am became an hobbie now lmao bye Dinos hehe

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