Wei lei's sister

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Wei lei pov
Everything was fine, me and Mingrui we're talking and teasing Lily and Xinlong ge until i saw My sister, she had a apron on her and a notebook coming towards us it made me uncomfortable cuz i knew something wrong might happen "hey Gougou" she said bubbly at Mingrui not even glancing at us Raepark jie rolled her eyes "oh um- hi" Mingrui said looking annoyed "excuse me he's not the only one" Hanyu ge said angry "anyways i would like-" Amelia jie said and she cut her off " my Mingrui goes first" she said not caring of our sayings and winked at him.

Mingrui gave her a disgusted look "I'm not your Mingrui first of all and second please listen to my gege's except of being a brat" he snapped annoyed "i heard u have a crush is it perhaps me?" she batted her eyelash not caring about his words ,my heart kinda ache to hear he had a crush "u didn't even see us Fang fang?" i said cutting the tension,she looked at me up and down and laughed "so u like this rat?!" she said rudely "excuse me have u seen yourself in the mirror except of calling our best friend a rat?!" May said mad "Oh shut up u baby u look like a kindergarten" she laughed "at least my sister is better than a brat" May fired back and her face changed

Mingrui banged his hands on the table mad "that's it u know what yes i have a crush and it's not u it's your sister i'd rather love a rat than a brat now if u excuse me i'll get going" he got up and went out leaving me speechless he likes me!? Hanyu ge got up and we all followed outside trying to find Mingrui "he texted me his at the park " Raepark jie said as we all sighed in relief "let's go to the park  then tell him to send the address  " Hanyu ge said and she nodded

The minute after we went to the park we saw Mingrui sitting on his phone "hey Gougou" i said and he smiled waving at me and the others "hey there's a ice cream truck near by lets go buy something" May said "that's a good idea do u guys want some? I'm going with May" shuyang said and we all said our orders then we all sat down waiting for both of them to go take them meanwhile i sat down a beside Mingrui the girls made me sit beside him again and went a bit away from us with the boys

one thing that kept ringing in my head was that he liked me "he likes me..." i said "yep i do" I herd Mingrui says and i looked t him surprised and embarrassed "ah u heard it sorry-" "would u like to be my girlfriend?" he said, i looked at him surprised "its okay if u don't- " "ofc i do i would love to" i cut him off and he looked t me with a happy face "yay" he said hugging me "aww that's so cute my single ass can't take it" Sooyong said and fake cried "so u say i don't existe?" Zeyu ge said and she laughed "wait u guys are dating!?" I said and they looked at eachother guilty "sorry we didn't told u guys" Zeyu said and Sooyong nodded "we forgive u guys but next time tell us i was waiting for the moment u guys would be a couple so bad" Amelia jie said teasing both of us and they laughed

Finally the 2 youngest (May and Shuyang) came with our ice creams "damn what took you guys  so long?" Lily said taking her strawberry flavored ice cream that May passed her "sorry we ran into annoying problems on the way here" May said and we all hummed letting it go away "okay then I'm going to take a walk around the park someone wants to come with me?" she said as everyone looked at eachother hesitantly "I can go with you"  Xinlong said getting up "yeah he goes with you" Raepark jie said and we all agreed "have a great time~" we pushed them gently and they started walking away

lily pov

well i guess it's me and him only, i told myself waking silently beside him liking my ice cream "wait let's stop here" i said as he nodded and we sat down "omg it's so pretty"  looked at me confused "look" i said pointing at the sunset as he looked up amazed "it looks pretty from the forest" he said staring  it as i agreed 

Xinlong pov

  "it does but i would love to watch it at the beach with my lover one day it would look so romantic" she smiled to herself staring at the sunset dreamily meanwhile i admired her dreamy look and went back to looking at the sunset soon after it fell silent , I then felt a head softly fall on my shoulder wich made me look on my side to see a sleepy Lily. I chuckled at her sleeping figure "your so cute i want to be the one who watch the sunset with you at the beach" i said putting my hand  on mouth surprised, it slipped out just like that but thankfully she was asleep i told myself sighing in relief and eating the rest of my ice cream

as it was starting to get cold i looked at Lily trying to shake her but she was to deep in sleep  i sighed and looked at her shivering, putting my coat on her i gave her a piggyback ride and surprisingly she was light as a feather I heard  notification on my phone and looked at it to see Amelia jie asking if we were okay and i texted back a yes and started walking with Lily on my back.

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