school part 2

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Here is the other part as I said


I'm packing my stuff to go when I feel a tap on my shoulder

I turn around to see my Little sissy " Unnie u took so much time I came to see you " she whined  "How did you come to my class? " I asked her " I asked some students on the way if they saw u and they showed me the way here I even made some friends" she replied  "wow you're so talkative with people wish I could make friends easily like that " I said as she laughed. 

"can we go now I'm hungry" she said  "Sure child you always hungry " I replied chuckling "No I'm not that's because u took too much time" she retorted "ok enough talking let's go before you eat me " I say rolling my eyes "HEY" she exclaims offended  "Calm down I was just joking " I reply laughing" Ur so mean why do u always bully me Unnie" she says pouting " Cuz I can " I reply " What?! " she says mad "oops better run try to catch me if you can shorty" I tease her running in full speed.

"I will catch  you Unnie first one to go to the cafeteria wins" she says "okie dokie " I reply, And with that, we started racing through the hallways to the cafeteria while chasing and searching for the cafeteria. I realize my sister wasn't behind me anymore aish how can I be so dumb to let her behind ugh and now I'm lost and don't know what to do. As I was getting frustrated at myself a girl came to me " hey are u lost "I turn around to see the girl who was staring and waved at me in class "hi I'm Raepark " she said "I'm lily" I reply smiling "are u lost or something?" she asks, and I just nod playing  timidly "I'm going to the cafeteria but I got lost"  I say

"it's ok I'll show u the way I'm also heading there". she replied and started a conversation while we walked to the cafeteria, usually I get really anxious when people start talking to me but it isn't the same with her it's like we've been friends for a long time because of how chill, and welcoming she is,  plus we just met today. 

 ~skip at  the cafeteria ~

 as I arrived with Raepark I saw my sister "how did you arrived here?" I asked "the school map didn't they give u one? " She said, "oh yeah they did but I forgot it in my locker, a friend I met showed me the way," I say presenting Raepark to my little sister they seemed to get along well "by the way, why don't you guys sit with me for lunch I can show my friends? " she says "Oh sure that would be a good idea" I replied smiling " Yeah and especially that we're new in that school, I don't wanna get lost again" May added we all laughed. " Ok follow me it's this way " We all followed her we all stop at a table of  three girls girls all laughing and eating together they all stopped as they see us "yah why did u took so long? " 

Asked one of them she looked a bit older than Raepark "sorry I was showing the school the new girl and her sister "  She says as I wave at the girls they all wave back at me smiling, we sit at the table and we all fall silent for a moment "aww come on guys don't be so shy what about we all introduce ourselves " Says the oldest "yeah you're right it's a bit boring when we're all silent" Then we all started introducing ourselves starting to oldest to the youngest "hi I'm Amelia I'm 17 y/o and I'm the oldest of our group" Amelia says "hey well u already know me I'm Raepark 17y/o and I'm the second oldest"  " Hii I'm Sooyong and I'm 15 y/o" next was a girl that looked around my age " Hey I'm Wei lei and I'm 14 y/o " Then me and my sister introduced ourselves " Hello I'm may and I'm 12y/o"  "hi I'm lily 14y/o " "Wait for ur 14!?" They all say surprised (◎0◎)ᵎᵎᵎ 

"yes???"I say confused " What's wrong " I added "well I thought you'd be 17 because u were in the same class as Raepark unnie" Says Wei lei "yeah but they made me skip a grade " "Wow that means you and your sister are smart" "*chuckles* yeah" I reply after that we all started conversations. Raepark's friends and I laughed a lot cuz they (her friends and May) kept being funny, even if I didn't really talk a lot and kept looking at the window time to time "what do you have after lunch Unnie?" say's May "let me see... I have dance after what about you? " "Math 😑" She says "Aww don't be sad math is important in life," Said Raepark  ( that's what my Mom always says) "I know " she replied sighing " Riing~ the bell again "*pouts* well have to see ya after school" I tell my sister even if I'm sad to leave her at the same time  I'm really  excited to go to my next class because dance is my favorite subject after the others that's why my dream is to become an idol  I want to have a girl group with my sister if that's possible cuz my dreams can chage,  luckily I arrive in time in class after changing into my dancing outfits it look like this

 I have dance after what about you? " "Math 😑" She says "Aww don't be sad math is important in life," Said Raepark  ( that's what my Mom always says) "I know " she replied sighing " Riing~ the bell again "*pouts* well have to see ya after school"...

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I sit on the floor as the others do the same. dance teacher: hey class today we have a new  student miss jeon please present yourself "  "Hi my name is jeon lily I hope we can be friends and please take care of me" I say. "please miss jeon can you show us some dance moves? " the teacher asks "sure" I reply  There a song i really like dancing to so I did it this is the dance

(i love this song so much)

"After that, I immediately sit back after the teacher tells me getting some glance from my classmates I sit beside with Raepark, she smiles at me and I do the same looking at the teacher I can also feel someone staring from the corner of my eyes, and it is Xinlong that I can feel staring at me ,God I still can't believe an idol and me are in the same school as me and plus it's my bias!!!... OK calm down Lily. Anyways back to the teacher  " Thanks miss jeon for the dance you are really talented u could be an idol " she said "thank you miss" I replied (And yes the teacher is a girl lol don't know what I'm writing nvm back to story)  "you welcome. Ok guys we're gonna do a dance and it's with the partner of your choice and after we Will be choose one of u guys will do a dance duo with someone else who was also voted " After she said that everyone got up searching for a partner I just watched them processing what to do since everyone was getting with their besties, until someone taps me on my back I turn to see Raepark " would you like to be my partner for the dance project? "  She asked she seems Friendly and she doesn't really care the fact that I'm very annoyingly shy "sure" 

 I smile and with that we started working, it looks like the more I'm talking to her the more i get to know her. 

~skip to end of school~   

School finally ended me and my sister are at the school gate I'm so tired that all I'm thinking about when i get home is to take a bath eat and chill in my bed until I fall asleep  I hear someone calling my name I look to see Raepark and her friends" I just wanted to ask your phone number since we're friends " She says "sure" We exchange our phone numbers and as well as the others " Okie thanks gotta go my Mom is there bye " she said "Bye" we reply " i'll share your number with the other girls too, Oh and lily don't forget about our dancing project I actually forgot to ask where do you wanna do it? " " I think at mine or yours of u want " I replied " Ummm what about at your house this weekend " She says thinking " That sounds good for me " I say " Ok then this weekend at u house I'll be there at 10 "  she says " ok " I reply and with that we all parted our ways to home.


hey, guys I know I haven't been posting cuz of internet problem's and school I promise I'll try writing the best I can I'm new at writing and English is not my first language  so this fanfic may have slow updates but I promise I'll do my best to update faster another  time. have a good night or day I'm going back to sleep 😴 mwah 😘

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now