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Lily's pov
I woke by my sister again (cuz I didn't set up the alarm on my phone) but luckily we weren't late so I got up did my morning routine then dressed up.

My school outfit

My school outfit

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My hair style

My hair style

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Then me and my sister head to our new school 

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Then me and my sister head to our new school 

the school 

(Bold: lily Italic: May sister)

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(Bold: lily
Italic: May sister)

As we head in the school my excitement turn to nervousness I'm wondering how will the year go, good or bad. I don't really talk to people so it will be hard to have friends cuz my only friends were my little sister, my big sister, and big brother. I use to have friends but there were all fake. (like u know those girls that are friends with you cause your rich and all but yeah). My sister noticed my worried it then held my hand "it's gonna be ok unnie just don't worry to much about friends you have me" she said  "Yeah your right thanks" I replied as I give her a hug, sometimes I ask myself what did I do to have such a kind little sister like her even if she is annoying most of the time but she's also very caring "i love you yeodongsaeng" Me-" 

She was cut off by screams in the hallway again first it was at the airport now at school what's wrong with the world?   and that's when We turned to see... Boystory? what!? wait what i think I'm dreaming my brain is imagining it. I pinch myself to see if it's not a dream but it's reality whaaat "uhm I'm i dreaming or we really are going to the same school as Boystory? " I ask "nope it's not a dream it's reality oh god I think I like the school already today is gonna be interesting 😁" May replied " Yeah i think so" Just as I finished my sentence the bell rings. Time to go to class oh my gosh ( 🎶🎼🎤🎼🎹🎶 ok I think I'll stop let's go back to the story) I'm so nervous "well I guess it's time to take our separate ways" I said May pouts "but I don't wanna leave you" "I know me too but it's school time I'll meet you at lunch" I replied "Okie"  she said.

We say goodbye to each other And walk to our classes, and it was a struggle to find a way in the school since it's so big. I was so deep in my thoughts that I wasn't looking where

 I was walking until I bump into someone "oops s-sorry I wasn't looking where I was walking"I say stuttering a bit. I look up to see the most handsome guy on earth god he's handsome i was staring at him not realizing he was talking to me " Hello HELLO are you ok "

  "Oh y-yeah sorry" *chuckle* "it's ok I'm Xinlong what about you?" he said in a neutral tone "L-Lily- wait Xinlong from Boystory!?"I said surprised stupid of me recognize him, " Yeah hehe " That's cool" I say "Yeah thanks, but you look lost do you need any help look's like your new?" he asked "Yeah I need to find my class but I got lost" I replied  "oh i can help you what's the room number? "  he asked as I looked at my schedule "It's  room****" I reply as he looks at my schedule " Wait it's my class i can bring you there were in the same class "he said "Ok" I replied as  He accompanied me there, and we entered the class together. " oh there is the new student looks like you already met one of my students, Xinlong you may go sit and let the new student present herself" the teacher said and Xinlong bowed and sat down as I went in the front of the class " Hi I'm Jeon Lily, I come from Korea hope we can all be friends and please take care of me," I say and bow as I heard student's eyes widen "any question? the teacher says to the class, one classmate raised her hand "yes Xinyao" the teacher said looking at the girl I chose "are you Jeon Jungkook's sister?" she asks and I nod as the students make surprised sounds "thank you Lily any question you have about Lily can be replied after class, now you may go take a sit beside Minghao, Minghao please raise your hand so Lily can see you" the teacher said, I see a boy raise his hand and as I walk there and sit Beside him so this Minghao is my neighbor on the left and on the right, there is Xinlong he waves at me cutely I also wave smiling.

 during class I feel like someone was staring at me I turn to see a girl she waves at me and I do the same.

(Skip to lunch time)

after class students came surrounding me "hey since your Jungkook's sister could you give me his number?" a girl said "do you think I would be his type?" another one said "btw your so pretty" a boy said "a-ah thanks?" I said confused "yah leave the new girl alone can't you all see she's uncomfortable" a guy said and we all turned to look at Xinlong "you all leave before it gets bad i'm not in good mood rn" he said as they all walked away some glaring at him and other sighing "thank you" I said as he turned his attention back to me "welcome" he said with a slight smile and walked away "uh w-wait I-" before I could finish he already walked away, aish now I don't have anybody to ask to take me to the cafeteria TvT.

(a while later)

I'm packing up my stuff to got when I feel a tap on my shoulder...


A/n: who is that person taping Lily's shoulders? And who is that girl that was waving at lily in class? We'll see it in the other chapter and sorry for not updating I've been really busy with my parents and school is starting in a week if I get some time I'll update the next one. And one more thing this fanfic is Xinlong x reader so you are lily in it I think I'll make the characters in the other chapter before continuing so you guys can understand it more sorry this story is a mess 😅 I changed some of it so it would make sense a bit.

date uptdated: 1/05/23

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